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2.1 Structure of an Object Request Broker

    Figure 2-1 shows a request being sent by a client to an object implementation. The Client is the entity that wishes to perform an operation on the object and the Object Implementation is the code and data that actually implements the object.

   July 2002 Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), v3.0 2-1

   Figure 2-1 A Request Being Sent Through the Object Request Broker

   The ORB is responsible for all of the mechanisms required to find the object implementation for the request, to prepare the object implementation to receive the request, and to communicate the data making up the request. The interface the client sees is completely independent of where the object is located, what programming language it is implemented in, or any other aspect that is not reflected in the object’s interface.

    Figure 2-2 on page 2-3 shows the structure of an individual Object Request Broker (ORB). The interfaces to the ORB are shown by striped boxes, and the arrows indicate whether the ORB is called or performs an up-call across the interface.

Interface identical for all ORB implementations

There may be multiple object adapters

There are stubs and a skeleton for each object type

ORB-dependent interface

Figure 2-2

Up-call interface

Normal call interface
The Structure of Object Request Interfaces

   To make a request, the Client can use the Dynamic Invocation interface (the same interface independent of the target object’s interface) or an OMG IDL stub (the specific stub depending on the interface of the target object). The Client can also directly interact with the ORB for some functions.

   The Object Implementation receives a request as an up-call either through the OMG IDL generated skeleton or through a dynamic skeleton. The Object Implementation may call the Object Adapter and the ORB while processing a request or at other times.

   Definitions of the interfaces to objects can be defined in two ways. Interfaces can be defined statically in an interface definition language, called the OMG Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL). This language defines the types of objects according to the operations that may be performed on them and the parameters to those operations. Alternatively, or in addition, interfaces can be added to an Interface Repository service; this service represents the components of an interface as objects, permitting run-time access to these components. In any ORB implementation, the Interface Definition Language (which may be extended beyond its definition in this document) and the Interface Repository have equivalent expressive power.

   The client performs a request by having access to an Object Reference for an object and knowing the type of the object and the desired operation to be performed. The client initiates the request by calling stub routines that are specific to the object or by constructing the request dynamically (see Figure 2-3).

   Figure 2-3 A Client Using the Stub or Dynamic Invocation Interface

   The dynamic and stub interface for invoking a request satisfy the same request semantics, and the receiver of the message cannot tell how the request was invoked.

   The ORB locates the appropriate implementation code, transmits parameters, and transfers control to the Object Implementation through an IDL skeleton or a dynamic skeleton (see Figure 2-4 on page 2-5). Skeletons are specific to the interface and the object adapter. In performing the request, the object implementation may obtain some services from the ORB through the Object Adapter. When the request is complete, control and output values are returned to the client.

Interface identical for all ORB implementations

There may be multiple object adapters

There are stubs and a skeleton for each object type

ORB-dependent interface

Figure 2-4

Up-call interface

Normal call interface
An Object Implementation Receiving a Request

   The Object Implementation may choose which Object Adapter to use. This decision is based on what kind of services the Object Implementation requires.

    Figure 2-5 on page 2-6 shows how interface and implementation information is made available to clients and object implementations. The interface is defined in OMG IDL and/or in the Interface Repository; the definition is used to generate the client Stubs and the object implementation Skeletons.

   Figure 2-5 Interface and Implementation Repositories

   The object implementation information is provided at installation time and is stored in the Implementation Repository for use during request delivery.