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2.1.6 Mapping of OMG IDL to Programming Languages

   Different object-oriented or non-object-oriented programming languages may prefer to access CORBA objects in different ways. For object-oriented languages, it may be desirable to see CORBA objects as programming language objects. Even for non-object-oriented languages, it is a good idea to hide the exact ORB representation of the object reference, method names, etc. A particular mapping of OMG IDL to a programming language should be the same for all ORB implementations. Language mapping includes definition of the language-specific data types and procedure interfaces to access objects through the ORB. It includes the structure of the client stub interface (not required for object-oriented languages), the dynamic invocation interface, the implementation skeleton, the object adapters, and the direct ORB interface.

   A language mapping also defines the interaction between object invocations and the threads of control in the client or implementation. The most common mappings provide synchronous calls, in that the routine returns when the object operation completes. Additional mappings may be provided to allow a call to be initiated and control returned to the program. In such cases, additional language-specific routines must be provided to synchronize the program’s threads of control with the object invocation.