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19.9.6 Mapping for ODL Properties and Methods

   An ODL property has either a get/set pair or just a set method is mapped to an OMG IDL attribute. An ODL property with just a get accessor is mapped to an OMG IDL readonly attribute.

   Given the ODL interface definition

   // ODL[odl, dual, uuid(...)]interface DIaccount: IDispatch {

   [propput] HRESULT balance ([in] float balance, [propget] HRESULT balance ([retval,out] float * ret);[propget] HRESULT owner ([retval,out] BSTR * ret);HRESULT makeLodgement( [in] float amount,

   [out] float * balance, [optional, out] VARIANT * excep_OBJ);HRESULT makeWithdrawal( [in] float amount,[out] float * balance,[optional, out] VARIANT * excep_OBJ);}

   the corresponding OMG IDL interface is:

   // OMG IDLinterface account {attribute float balance;

   readonly attribute string owner; long makeLodgement(in float amount, out float balance); long makeWithdrawal(in float amount, out float balance);


   ODL [in], [out], and [in,out] parameters map to OMG IDL in, out, and inout parameters, respectively. Section 19.3, “Mapping for Basic Data Types,? on page 19-9 explains the mapping for basic types.