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19.9.13 Mapping for SafeArrays

   Automation SafeArrays should be mapped to CORBA unbounded sequences.

   A method of the CORBA View Interface, which has a SafeArray as a parameter, will have the knowledge to handle the parameter properly.

   When SafeArrays are “in? parameters, the View method uses the Safearray API to dynamically repackage the SafeArray as a CORBA sequence. When arrays are “out? parameters, the View method uses the Safearray API to dynamically repackage the CORBA sequence as a SafeArray. Multidimensional SafeArrays

   SafeArrays are allowed to have more than one dimension. However, the bounding information for each dimension, and indeed the number of dimensions, is not available in the static typelibrary information or ODL definition. It is only available at run-time.

   For this reason, SafeArrays, which have more than one dimension, are mapped to an identical linear format and then to a sequence in the normal way.

   This linearization of the multidimensional SafeArray should be carried out as follows:

   pos[p0][p1][p2] = p0*d1*d2 + p1*d2 + p2

   Consider the following example: SafeArray with dimensions 5, 8, 9.

   This maps to a linear sequence with a run-time bound of 5 * 8 * 9 = 360. This gives us valid offsets 0-359. In this example, the real offset to the element at location [4][5][1] is 4*8*9 + 5*9 + 1 = 334.