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19.8.8 Creating Initial in Parameters for Complex Types

   Although CORBA complex types are represented by Automation Dual Interfaces, creating an instance of a mapped CORBA complex type is not the same as creating an instance of a mapped CORBA interface. The main difference lies in the fact that the name space for CORBA complex types differs fundamentally from the CORBA object and factory name spaces.

   To support creation of instances of Automation objects exposing Pseudo-Automation Interfaces, we define a new interface, derived from DICORBAFactory (see Section 17.7.3, “ICORBAFactory Interface,? on page 17-24 for a description of DICORBAFactory).

   // ODL[odl, dual, uuid(...)]interface DICORBAFactoryEx: DICORBAFactory{

   HRESULT CreateType([in] IDispatch *scopingObject,[in] BSTR typeName, [retval,out] VARIANT *val);HRESULT CreateTypeById([in] IDispatch *scopingObject,[in] BSTR repositoryId,[retval,out] VARIANT *val);}

   The UUID for DICORBAFactoryEx is:


   This interface can also be implemented as generic (nondual) Automation Interface, in which case it is named DCORBAFactoryEx and its UUID is:


   The CreateType method creates an Automation object that has been mapped from a CORBA complex type. The parameters are used to determine the specific type of object returned.

   The first parameter, scopingObject, is a pointer to an Automation View Interface. The most derived interface type of the CORBA object bound to the View identifies the scope within which the second parameter, typeName, is interpreted. For example, assume the following CORBA interface exists:

   // OMG IDL

   module A {module B {interface C {

   struct S { // ...


   void op(in S s); // .... } } }

   The following Visual Basic example illustrates the primary use of CreateType:

   ‘ Visual BasicDim myC as ObjectDim myS as ObjectDim myCORBAFactory as ObjectSet myCORBAFactory = CreateObject(“CORBA.Factory?)Set myC = myCORBAFactory.CreateObject( “...? )

   ‘ creates Automation View of the CORBA object

   supporting interface ‘ A::B::CSet myS = myCORBAFactory.CreateType(myC, “S?)myC.op(myS)

   The following rules apply to CreateType:

   The CreateTypeByIDmethod accomplishes the same general goal of CreateType, the creation of Automation objects that are mapped from CORBA-constructed types. The second parameter, repositoryID, is a string containing the CORBA Interface Repository ID of the CORBA type whose mapped Automation Object is to be created. The Interface Repository associated with the CORBA object identified by the scopingObject parameter defines the repository within which the ID will be resolved.

   The following rules apply to CreateTypeById: ITypeFactory Interface

   The DICORBAFactoryExinterface delegates its CreateType and CreateTypeByID methods to an ITypeFactory interface on the scoping object. ITypeFactory is defined as a COM interface because it is not intended to be exposed to Automation controllers. Every Automation View object must support the ITypeFactory interface:

   //MIDLinterface ITypeFactory: IUnknown {

   HRESULT CreateType([in] LPWSTR typeName, [out] VARIANT *val);HRESULT CreateTypeById( [in] RepositoryId repositoryID,[out] VARIANT *val);}

   The UUID for ITypeFactory is:


   The methods on ITypeFactory provide the behaviors previously described for the corresponding DICORBAFactoryEx methods. DIObjectInfo Interface

   The DIObjectInfo interface provides helper functions for retrieving information about a composite data type (such as a union, structure, exception, …), which is held as an IDispatch pointer.

   // ODL[odl, dual, uuid(...)]interface DIObjectInfo: DICORBAFactoryEx{

   HRESULT type_name([in] IDispatch *target,[out, optional] VARIANT *except_obj,[out, retval] BSTR *typeName);

   HRESULT scoped_name( [in] IDispatch *target,[out, optional] VARIANT *except_obj,[out, retval] BSTR *repositoryId);

   HRESULT unique_id([in] IDispatch *target,[out, optional] VARIANT *except_obj,[out, retval] BSTR *repositoryId);


   The UUID for DIObjectInfo is:


   This interface can also be implemented as generic (nondual) Automation Interface, in which case it is named DObjectInfo and its UUID is:


   The Automation object having the ProgId “CORBA.Factory? exposes DIObjectInfo.