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19.8.3 Mapping for TypeCodes

   The OMG IDL TypeCode data type maps to the DICORBATypeCode interface. The DICORBATypeCode interface is defined as follows.

   19-22 Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), v3.0 July 2002

   // ODL

   typedef enum {tk_null = 0, tk_void, tk_short, tk_long, tk_ushort,tk_ulong, tk_float, tk_double, tk_boolean, tk_char,tk_octet, tk_any, tk_TypeCode, tk_Principal, tk_objref, tk_struct, tk_union, tk_enum, tk_string,tk_sequence, tk_array, tk_alias, tk_except} CORBATCKind;

   [odl, dual, uuid(...)]interface DICORBATypeCode: DIForeignComplexType {[propget] HRESULT kind([retval,out] TCKind * val);

   // for tk_objref, tk_struct, tk_union, tk_alias,

   tk_except[propget] HRESULT id([retval,out] BSTR *val); [propget] HRESULT name([retval,out] BSTR * val);

   //tk_struct,tk_union,tk_enum,tk_except[propget] HRESULT member_count([retval,out] long * val);HRESULT member_name([in] long index,[retval,out]

   BSTR * val);HRESULT member_type([in] long index,[retval,out] DICORBATypeCode ** val),

   // tk_unionHRESULT member_label([in] long index,[retval,out] VARIANT * val);[propget] HRESULT discriminator_type([retval,out] IDispatch ** val); [propget] HRESULT default_index([retval,out] long * val);

   // tk_string, tk_array, tk_sequence[propget] HRESULT length([retval,out] long * val);

   // tk_sequence, tk_array, tk_alias[propget] HRESULT content_type([retval,out] IDispatch ** val); }

   The UUID for DICORBATypeCode is:


   This interface can also be implemented as generic (nondual) Automation Interface, in which case it is named DCORBATypeCode and its UUID is:


   When generating Visual Basic constants corresponding to the values of the CORBA_TCKind enumeration, the constants should be declared as follows.

   Global const CORBATCKind_tk_null =0Global const CORBATCKind_tk_void = 1. . .

   Since DICORBATypeCode derives from DIForeignComplexType, objects that implement it are, in effect, pseudo-objects. See Section 19.8, “Mapping for CORBA Complex Types,? on page 19-19 for a description of the DIForeignComplexType interface.