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19.8.1 Mapping for Structure Types

   CORBA structures are mapped to a Pseudo-Struct, which is a Pseudo-Automation Interface containing properties corresponding to the members of the struct. The names of a Pseudo-Struct’s properties are identical to the names of the corresponding CORBA struct members.

   A Pseudo-Struct derives from DICORBAStruct which, in turn, derives from DIForeignComplexType:

   [odl, dual, uuid(...)] interface DICORBAStruct: DIForeignComplexType {}

   The GUID for DICORBAStruct is:


   This interface can also be implemented as generic (nondual) Automation Interface, in which case it is named DCORBAStruct and its UUID is:


   The purpose of the methodless DICORBAStruct interface is to mark the interface as having its origin in the mapping of a CORBA struct. This information, which can be stored in a type library, is essential for the task of mapping the type back to CORBA in the event of an inverse mapping.

   An example of mapping a CORBA struct to a Pseudo-Struct follows. The struct

   struct S// IDL

   {long l;double d;float f;


   maps to Automation as follows, except that the mapped Automation Dual Interface derives from DICORBAStruct.

   // IDLinterface S{

   attribute long l;

   attribute double d;

   attribute float f;};