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18.3.1 Mapping for Basic Data Types

   The basic data types available in Microsoft IDL and ODL map to the corresponding data types available in OMG IDL as shown in Table 18-7.

   Table 18-7 Microsoft IDL and ODL to OMG IDL Intrinsic Data Type Mappings

Microsoft IDL

Microsoft ODL



short short short Signed integer with a range of -215...215 -1
long long long Signed integer with a range of -231...231 -1
unsigned short unsigned short unsigned short Unsigned integer with a range of 0...216 -1
unsigned long unsigned long unsigned long Unsigned integer with a range of 0...232 -1
float float float IEEE single -precision floating point number
double double double IEEE double-precision floating point number

   Table 18-7 Microsoft IDL and ODL to OMG IDL Intrinsic Data Type Mappings (Continued)

char char char 8-bit quantity limited to the ISO Latin-1 character set
boolean boolean boolean 8-bit quantity, which is limited to 1 and 0
byte unsigned char octet 8-bit opaque data type, guaranteed to not undergo any conversion during transfer between systems