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18.2.2 Mapping for Constants

   The mapping of the OMG IDL keyword const to Microsoft IDL and ODL is almost exactly the same. The following are the OMG IDL definitions for constants:

   18-2 Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), v3.0 July 2002

   // OMG IDL const short S = ...; const long L = ...; const unsigned short US = ...; const unsigned long UL = ...; const float F = ...; const char C = ...; const boolean B = ...; const string STR = “...?;

   that map to the following Microsoft IDL and ODL definitions for constants:

   // Microsoft IDL and ODLconst short S = ...;const long L = ...;const unsigned short US = ...;const unsigned long UL = ...;const float F = ...;const char C = ...;const boolean B = ...;const string STR = “...?;