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17.7.5 ICORBAObject Interface

   The ICORBAObject interface is a COM interface that is exposed by COM Views, allowing COM clients to have access to operations on the CORBA object references, defined on the CORBA::Object pseudo-interface. The ICORBAObject interface can be obtained by COM clients through QueryInterface. ICORBAObjectis defined as follows:

   interface ICORBAObject: IUnknown

   {HRESULT GetInterface([out] IUnknown ** val);HRESULT GetImplementation([out] IUnknown ** val);HRESULT IsA([in] LPTSTR repositoryID,

   [out] boolean *val);HRESULT IsNil([out] boolean *val);HRESULT IsEquivalent([in] IUnknown* obj,

   [out] boolean * val);HRESULT NonExistent([out] boolean *val);HRESULT Hash([out] long *val);

   The UUID for ICORBAObject is:


   Automation controllers gain access to operations on the CORBA object reference interface through the Dual Interface DIORBObject::GetCORBAObject method described next.

   interface DICORBAObject: IDispatch

   {HRESULT GetInterface([out, retval] IDispatch ** val);HRESULT GetImplementation([out, retval] IDispatch **

   val);HRESULT IsA([in] BSTR repositoryID, [out, retval]

   VARIANT BOOL *val);HRESULT IsNil([out, retval] VARIANT BOOL *val);HRESULT IsEquivalent([in] IDispatch* obj,[out,retval]

   VARIANT BOOL * val);HRESULT NonExistent([out,retval] VARIANT BOOL *val);HRESULT Hash([out, retval] long *val);


   The UUID for DICORBAObject is:


   The UUID for DCORBAObject is:
