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16.5 DCE-CIOP Object References

   The information necessary to invoke operations on objects using DCE-CIOP is encoded in an IOR in a profile identified either by TAG_INTERNET_IOP or by TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS. The profile_data for the TAG_INTERNET_IOP profile is a CDR encapsulation of the IIOP::ProfileBody_1_1 type, described in Section 15.7.2, “IIOP IOR Profiles,? on page 15-52. The profile_data for the TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS profile is a CDR encapsulation of the MultipleComponentProfile type, which is a sequence of TaggedComponent structures, described in Section 13.6, “An Information Model for Object References,? on page 13-14.

   DCE-CIOP defines a number of IOR components that can be included in either profile. Each is identified by a unique tag, and the encoding and semantics of the associated component_data are specified.

   Either IOR profile can contain components for other protocols in addition to DCECIOP, and can contain components used by other kinds of ORB services. For example, an ORB vendor can define its own private components within this profile to support the vendor’s native protocol. Several of the components defined for DCE-CIOP may be of use to other protocols as well. The following component descriptions will note whether

   9. An exponential back-off algorithm is recommended, but not required.

   the component is intended solely for DCE-CIOP or can be used by other protocols, whether the component is required or optional for DCE-CIOP, and whether more than one instance of the component can be included in a profile.

   A conforming implementation of DCE-CIOP is only required to generate and recognize the components defined here. Unrecognized components should be preserved but ignored. Implementations should also be prepared to encounter profiles identified by TAG_INTERNET_IOP or by TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS that do not support DCE-CIOP.