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16.5.2 DCE-CIOP Binding Name Component

   A DCE-CIOP binding name component is identified by TAG_DCE_BINDING_NAME. It contains a name that can be used with a DCE nameservice such as CDS or GDS to obtain the binding handle needed to communicate with a server process.

   This component is intended for use only by DCE-CIOP. Multiple binding name components can be included to identify multiple servers or agents capable of handling a request. At least one binding name or string binding component must be present for a profile to support DCE-CIOP.

   The binding name component is defined by the following OMG IDL:

   module DCE_CIOP { // IDL const IOP::ComponentId TAG_DCE_BINDING_NAME = 101;

   struct BindingNameComponent { unsigned long entry_name_syntax; string entry_name; string object_uuid;


   A TaggedComponent structure is built for the binding name component by setting the tag member to TAG_DCE_BINDING_NAME and setting the component_data member to a CDR encapsulation of a BindingNameComponent structure. BindingNameComponent

   The BindingNameComponent structure contains the information necessary to query a DCE nameservice such as CDS. A client ORB can use the entry_name_syntax, entry_name, and object_uuid members of the BindingName structure with the rpc_ns_binding_import_*or rpc_ns_binding_lookup_* families of DCE API routines to obtain binding handles to communicate with a server. If the object_uuid member is an empty string, a nil object UUID should be passed to these DCE API routines.