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13.8.2 Codec Factory

   module IOP { typedef short EncodingFormat; const EncodingFormat ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS = 0;

   struct Encoding {EncodingFormat format;octet major_version;octet minor_version;


   local interface CodecFactory { exception UnknownEncoding {}; Codec create_codec (in Encoding enc)

   raises (UnknownEncoding);};}; Encoding Structure

   The Encoding structure defines the encoding format of a Codec. It details the encoding format, such as CDR Encapsulation encoding, and the major and minor versions of that format.

   The encodings which shall be supported are:

   Vendors are free to support additional encodings. CodecFactory Interface


   Create a Codec of the given encoding.

   This operation raises UnknownEncoding if this factory cannot create a Codec of the given encoding.


   enc The Encoding for which to create a Codec.

   Return Value

   A Codec obtained with the given encoding.