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11.6.8 Persistent Objects with POA-assigned Ids

   It is possible to access the Object Id value assigned to an object by the POA, with the POA::reference_to_id operation. If the reference is for an object managed by the POA that is the operation’s target, the operation will return the Object Id value, whether it was assigned by the POA or the user. By doing this, an implementation may provide a servant manager that associates the POA-allocated Object Id values with persistently stored state. It may also pass the POA-allocated Object Id values to POA operations such as activate_object_with_id and create_reference_with_id.

   A POA with the PERSISTENT policy may be destroyed and later reinstantiated in the same or a different process. A POA with both the SYSTEM_ID and PERSISTENT policies generates Object Id values that are unique across all instantiations of the same POA.