import*; public class ThesisIIV1 { // ************************************************************ // * * // * main Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] inputStrings; System.out.println("\n * * * Welcome to the UML Specification Analysis * * * \n"); /*CALL*/inputStrings=input(); /*CALL*/readUMLFile(inputStrings); System.out.println("\n * * * End of the Document Analysis * * * \n"); } // ************************************************************ // * * // * input Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static String[] input() throws Exception { String[] inputStrings={"",""}; // Two dimensional string System.out.print(" Type the Name of the Input File, Then Press Enter:\t"); /*CALL*/inputStrings[0]=readString(); System.out.print(" Type the Name of the First Header, Then Press Enter:\t"); /*CALL*/inputStrings[1]=readString(); return inputStrings; } // ************************************************************ // * * // * readString Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static String readString() throws Exception { char tempCh; String tempSt=""; tempCh = (char); while((int)tempCh != 13 ) // Enter = 13 { tempSt = tempSt + tempCh; tempCh = (char); } tempCh = (char); //Abort the ENTER key return tempSt; } // ************************************************************ // * * // * readUMLFile Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void readUMLFile(String[] inputStrings) { int indexOfLinkTarget; // "LinkTarger" is a key word for processing int indexOfFirstHeader; int counter=1; boolean startAnalysis=false; String firstTags=""; // Begining of the INPUT FILE String lastTags=""; String lineSt=""; /*CALL*/writeUMLFile(firstTags+(char)10); try // Read the INPUT FILE { FileReader inputFileReader = new FileReader(inputStrings[0]); // inputReader is an object and inputStrings[0] is the name of the input file BufferedReader inputFileBuffer = new BufferedReader(inputFileReader); while(true) // Until the end of the input file { lineSt=inputFileBuffer.readLine(); // Read a line from the input file // System.out.println(lineSt); if (lineSt==null) // End of the input file { break; } indexOfLinkTarget=lineSt.indexOf("LinkTarget"); if(indexOfLinkTarget!=-1) // I found a "LinkTarget" { if(startAnalysis!=true) { indexOfFirstHeader=lineSt.indexOf(inputStrings[1]); if(indexOfFirstHeader!=-1) // I found the "First Header" and skipped the "Table of Contents" { // System.out.println("\n\n"+counter+")\t"+lineSt); /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(counter+"\t"+lineSt+(char)10); startAnalysis=true; } } else { counter ++; // System.out.println(counter+")\t"+lineSt); /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(counter+"\t"+lineSt+(char)10); } } } // End of the WHILE loop (End of the file) inputFileReader.close(); } // End of the TRY catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open INPUT File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Close INPUT File"); } /*CALL*/writeUMLFile(lastTags); } // ************************************************************ // * * // * headersAnalysis Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static int headersAnalysis(String tempStHeader) { int lengthHeader; int periodCounter=0; int firstIndex=0, secondIndex=0; char tempChar=' '; String firstPartHeader=""; String secondPartHeader=""; String thirdPartHeader=""; lengthHeader=tempStHeader.length(); firstIndex=tempStHeader.indexOf(" "); // Find the first "space" to seperate numbers for(int i=0;i"+(char)10+""+secondPartHeader+""+(char)10); } else if (periodCounter==1) { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile("
"+(char)10+""+secondPartHeader+""+(char)10); } else // periodCounter==2 like 1.2.3 { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(""+(char)10+""+secondPartHeader+""+ (char)10+""+thirdPartHeader+""+(char)10); } return periodCounter; } // ************************************************************ // * * // * writeUMLFile Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void writeUMLFile(String tempString) { boolean x=true; //Each time you add a new string at the end of the FILE try // Creat a new file { FileWriter outputFileWriter = new FileWriter("Document Headers.txt",x); outputFileWriter.write(tempString); outputFileWriter.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open OUTPUT File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to close OUTPUT File"); } } // ************************************************************ // ************************************************************ // ********************End Of the Program********************** // ************************************************************ // ************************************************************ }