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transaction-processingcontains a process which reads a series of inputs describing a transaction one by one, and a transaction handler that decides what to do with each transaction, and which dispatches a procedure call or message to a component that will handle the transaction2001-08-30 14:58:05.0
has definition An architectural pattern in which a transaction dispatcher inputs transactions and dispatches them to handlers2001-08-30 14:58:05.0
facilitates divide-and-conquer since the design of each handler can be given to separate software engineers2001-08-30 14:58:05.0
is a subtopic of 9.5 - Architectural Patterns2001-08-30 14:58:05.0
is a kind of architectural pattern2001-08-30 14:58:05.0
architectural patternallows you to design flexible systems using components that are as independent of each other as possible2001-08-30 14:54:33.0
patternshould be as general as possible2001-08-30 14:56:56.0
should be described in an easy-to-understand form so that people can determine when and how to use it2001-08-30 14:56:56.0