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subject > responsibility
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responsibilitycan be found by looking for verbs and nouns describing actions in the system description2001-08-30 14:57:21.0
has definition Something a system is required to do that is allocated to a particular class2001-08-30 14:57:21.0
is a subtopic of 5.8 - The Process Of Developing Class Diagrams2001-08-30 14:57:21.0
is carried out by operation2001-08-30 14:57:21.0
is a kind of subject2001-08-30 14:57:21.0
may require several operations but one public operation will be in charge, all others will be private2001-08-30 14:57:21.0
must be attributed to a class2001-08-30 14:57:21.0

Kinds of responsibility :