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procedural paradigm
procedural paradigmhas definition An approach to software design and programming in which software is primarily thought of as a hierarchy of procedures - the root of the hierarchy is typically a main procedure, which calls other procedures, etc. (in contrast to the object-oriented paradigm)2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
hides many of the details of computations2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
is a subtopic of 2.1 - What is Object Orientation?2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
is a kind of paradigm2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
organizes code into procedures that each manipulate different types of data2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
provides procedural abstraction2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
works badly if the program's purpose is to perform calculations on complex data2001-08-30 14:57:04.0
works well if the program's purpose is to perform complex calculations with relatively simple data2001-08-30 14:57:04.0