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object oriented system
object oriented systemcombines procedural abstraction with data abstraction2001-08-30 14:56:46.0
is a subtopic of 2.2 - Classes and Objects2001-08-30 14:56:46.0
is a kind of system2001-08-30 14:56:46.0
makes use of abstraction in order to help make software less complex2001-08-30 14:56:46.0
systemcan have specification which is then implemented by a collection of components2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
exists even if its components change over the course of time, or are replaced by equivalent components2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
has scope2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
has part component2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
has part hardware2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
has part module2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
has part software2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
has part subsystem2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
is complex if its scope is broad2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
is in a state until an event occurs that causes it to change state2001-08-30 14:57:52.0
is divided up into subsystems2001-08-30 14:57:52.0