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Subject created when is a subtopic of have example discard when serialize have example of creation has definition convert into create by
immutable object 6.10 - The Immutable Pattern    an object that has a state which never changes after creation  
instance of user interface classa program is started5.8 - The Process Of Developing Class Diagrams a program terminates     
Java object The Basics of Java  if it is an instance of a class that implements the interface java.io.Serializable, and if the data in its instance variables is also serializable
Account anAccount; 
anAccount = new Account(holderName, initialBalance);
 a string using the toString methoddeclaring and initializing it such that it is created whenever execution enters a particular block, or, in the case of an instance variable, when an instance is created or by declaring it and initializing it later using the new operator
occurrence 6.2 - The Abstraction-Occurrence Patterna member of the set of all episodes of a television series - they have the same producer and the same series title, but different story-lines.   An object that is a member of a set of classes that set share common information but also differ from each other in important ways  

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