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subject > methodology
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methodologyhas definition A description of a process; it usually prescribes how to do things in a step by step manner2001-08-30 14:56:35.0
describes detailed sequences of steps for performing analysis and design2001-08-30 14:56:35.0
is often supported by tools developed by the author of the process, or others2001-08-30 14:56:35.0
is a subtopic of 5.1 - What is UML?2001-08-30 14:56:35.0
is a kind of subject2001-08-30 14:56:35.0
usually describes aspects of project management2001-08-30 14:56:35.0
usually requires the use of a particular notation and the production of documentation in particular formats2001-08-30 14:56:35.0

Kinds of methodology :