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document  representation  9.6 - Writing a Good Design DocumentAnything written that that describes software
domain analysis document
  1. Introduction, including the name of the domain and the motivation for performing the analysis
  2. Glossary which gives the meanings of all terms used in the domain that are either not part of everyday language or else have special meanings
  3. General knowledge about the domain - important facts or rules that are widely known by the domain experts and which would normally be learned as part of their education
  4. Customers and users - who will or might buy the software, and in what industrial sectors they operate. Also, describe the other people who work in the domain, even peripherally.
  5. The environment - equipment and systems used
  6. Tasks and procedures currently performed - what the various people do as they go about their work
  7. Competing software, including advantages and disadvantages
  8. Similarities across domains and organizations - what distinguishes the customer's organization from others, as well as what they have in common
other software engineers who join the team laterdocumentinformation found during domain analysisan excessive amount of detailed information4.1 - Domain Analysis 

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