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cost estimation principle comparison table
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cost estimation principle 1 divide and conquer to make an estimate more accurate because
  • you will be more likely to account for all the subsystems and activities
  • if you under-estimate the time required for some subsystems or activities, this should be at least partly compensated for by over-estimates in other places
dividing the project up into individual subsystems, and then dividing each subsystem further into the activities that will be required to develop it, then making a series of detailed estimates for each individual activity, and summing the results to arrive at the grand total estimate for the project
cost estimation principle 2 include all activities when making estimates  
cost estimation principle 3
  • base your estimates purely on the personal judgement of experts within your team
  • use algorithmic models that have been developed in the software industry as a whole
base your estimates on past experience combined with what you can observe of the current project  
cost estimation principle 4 be sure to account for differences when extrapolating from other projects  
cost estimation principle 5 anticipate the worst case and plan for contingencies  
cost estimation principle 6 combine multiple independent estimates  
cost estimation principle 7 revise and refine estimates as work progresses  

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