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Java keyword comparison table
Subject use use by have example declare have purpose represent see also is a subtopic of precede is a kind of is an instance of
abstract   abstract method   The Basics of Java  Java keyword
boolean^2      booleanThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
break       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
byte^2      byteThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
case       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
catch       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
char^2      charThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
class^2      classThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
const       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
continue       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
default       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
do       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
double^2      doubleThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
else       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
//Create a subclass
public class MortgageAccount extends Account
// body of the class
 to create a subclass  The Basics of Java  Java keyword
false       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
final       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
finally       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
float^2      floatThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
for       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
goto       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
if       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
implements implements clause in a class that indicates that the class contains methods for each of the operations specified by the interface     The Basics of Java  Java keyword
import       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
instanceof       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
int^2      intThe Basics of Java  Java keyword
interface^3      interface^2The Basics of Java  Java keyword
Java access control keyword    to control which other code can have access to a method or variable  The Basics of Javathe definition of a method, instance variable or class variableJava keyword 
long^2       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
native       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
new    to create new objects     Java operator
null       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
package^3  package finance.banking.accounts; to declare the package that a class belongs to package^2The Basics of Java  Java keyword
return       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
short^2       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
staticto mark a class variable or class method      The Basics of Java  Java keyword
super       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
switch       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
synchronized    to ensure that no other thread can access an object until the synchronized method terminates  The Basics of Java  Java keyword
 this.accountHolder = accountHolder;
  the current object The Basics of Java  Java keyword
throw       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
throws       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
transient       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
true       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
try       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
void       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
volatile       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
while       The Basics of Java  Java keyword
