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synonym > client > Java client

Java client
Java clientis a subtopic of 3.5 - Technology Needed to Build Client-Server Systems2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
is a kind of client2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
may send messages to Java server at any time once a connection is established2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
must have an instance of Socket class in order to exchange information with the server2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
receives messages from the server using an instance of InputStream2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
sends messages to the server using an instance of OutputStream2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
sends stream of information to the server2001-08-30 14:56:11.0
clientsee also client2001-08-30 14:54:52.0