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type comparison table
Subject have default value be not evaluate to has definition have be the same as use instead of has part is a subtopic of is a synonym of is partitioned into have name determine
primitive type an objectthe value stored in the variableA type where a variable of that type evaluates to the value stored in the variablea corresponding class in the java.lang package wrapper class instances for arithmeticprimitive type nameVariables and Data Types    
reference typenull - a value that indicates that there is no instance assigned to the variable the address of the location in memory where the object referenced by the variable is storedA type where a variable of that type evaluates to the address of the location in memory where the object referenced by the variable is stored    Variables and Data Typesnon-primitive typearray type, class type , interface typestarting with a capital letter 
return type of overriding method     the return type of the overridden method  Methods    
type of a variable        Variables and Data Types   the values that the variable can contain or refer to
type of each parameter of an overriding method     type of the corresponding parameter of the overridden method  Methods    

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