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name comparison table
Subject write in have be is a synonym of is a subtopic of have example composed of start with have convention map to has definition use be the same as contain see also
class name the singular by conventionfirst letter of each word capitalized by conventiontoo general or too specific ClassesPartTimeEmployee       spaces 
fully qualified name  a keywordlong namePackages     A name that is unambiguousto disambiguate two members of different packages with the same name  simple name
method name   the same as another method's name in the same class if they each have a different arrangement of parameter types Methods          
name of a constructor   a keyword Constructors       the name of its class  
package name  the domain name of the organization (with the components inverted) prepended to the package name by convention to assure that each package name is unique in the worlda keyword Packagescom.naviseek.Mapplet is found in the naviseek directory which is inside the com directory (com aviseekMapplet.class in other words)a series of words separated by dots  a directory name on the file system     
primitive type name   a keyword Variables and Data Types  a lower-case letter       
program element name   less than about six characters except perhaps for loop counter variables, where i and j are commonly used Programming          
simple name  a keywordshort namePackages         fully qualified name
variable name   case sensitive Variables and Data Types
  • loadFile
  • areaCode
  • quitGame
 a letter, an underscore character (_) or a dollar sign ($)it consists of several words joined together with the first letter of the variable name in lowercase, each successive word beginning with a capital letter and all other letters lowercase    any combination of Unicode characters after the first character 

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