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syntactic unit > comment
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comment comparison table
Subject describe have example have syntax be about has definition have purpose write at be is a subtopic of precede is a kind of write before write
syntactic unit    A part of a program to which a syntax rule applies     kbTop  
commentthe purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification
executeMeToo(); /* This is to be ignored
and this too */
/** commentText */
/* commentText */
// commentText
Note: '//' ignores everything to end of line
obvious things since they add clutter to describe the purpose of each class, method and variable along with any difficult-to-understand statements inside methods, and to indicated any changes to the codethe top of each classbetween about 20% and 35% of the total length of the codeJava Basicspackage statementssyntactic unitwriting the codeto describe loops and conditional statements inside complex algorithms

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