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female mammal comparison table
Subject see build nest of have name in French chew like make trails with has part introduce in call be most active at be the same size as mark territory with babysit stay in be ferocious roost in catches kill by have scientific name use by moult in be in heat for sleep have colour sharpen live in live be hunted with be sexually inactive during have wingspan stay underwater for kill prey by be trapped for be more carnivorous than have distribution run breed migrate be secretive wean travel have population density build become very fat in be not agile weigh eat by have temperament be intelligent keep line den with stalk give birth lose dig have slide on be moderately sociable breed with hunt on have lifespan have good sense of touch scavenge have population moult between hunt by be important to dive excavate fight courageously be aquatic eat adopt be monogamous have poor sense of smell trap for make sound be curious be active be extremely wary of teach travel along swim by carry have apparent gestation period have subspecies chase away have number of litters reach sexual maturity by have den depend on have Family name have habitat swim at be independent of parents consume become dormant in suckle make nest of spray use set trails communicate with be good parent lick be smaller than be rare be diurnal rely on share den with rest have height have Order name be sensitive to is a kind of moult during mate for kill moult store line burrow with have range have breeding season meet attack have picture be social be amphibious allow run at slap be spend the winter with have gestation period defend food against change colour in fight be hunted for give birth in be clumsy hunt in be a top predator have length use have colour phases be active at sleep in have status have average number of babies live under be polygamous be eaten by kill for dig with be very intelligent give birth to bring food to hunt for have maximum speed have parasites share den have high metabolic rate
mammal                                                                                                                 kbTop                                               
female mammal                                                                                                 babies               mammal                                        live babies      
adult female Arctic fox                  Alopex lagopus    white in winter, brown in summer          northern Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, northern Quebec, Labrador and northern Newfoundland          2.5 to 9kgwolf, grizzly bear, golden eagle                        lemmings, birds, eggs, ground squirrels, berries, small marine animals, fish, and carrion                   Family Canidae     babies             Order Carnivora female mammal               carnivorous 51-57 days        75-115 cm     11      live babies      
adult female badger  blaireau d'Amérique              humansTaxidea taxus    grizzled back with creamy or white belly, brown legs, black feet, white and black face large burrow as long as 30 ft and as deep as 10 ft        southern prairies                              excavating burrows of its prey     ground squirrels, pocket gophers, prairie dogs, kangaroo rats, pocket mouse, voles, birds, snails, insects                   Family Mustelidaeopen prairies, farmlands, parklands    babies      European badger      Order Carnivora female mammal       August and September but implantation of the embryo is delayed until mid-February               late April to mid-May         4    its front claws live babiesher babies until they are two thirds grown     
adult female black bear                  Ursus americanus Pallas    black or brown with a brownish muzzle and frequently a white patch below the throat or across the chest                     70 kg              25 or 30 years          berries, nuts, insects, fish, small mammals, newborn moose calves, deer fawns, caribou calves, or elk calves, birds, carrion, honey                   Family Ursidaeheavily wooded areas and dense bushland    babies            100 to 120 cm at the shoulderOrder Carnivora female mammal       June or early July      55 km/h for short distances        January or February while the mother is still in her winter den   150 cm   a den during the winter 2      live babies   tapeworms and roundworms  
adult female black-footed ferretin 1937 in the wild in Canada putois d'Amérique               Mustela nigripes    creamy white, brown mask on the face, brown legs and end of tail, white muzzle, forehead, throat, belly and base of tail, black whiskers enlarged rodent den                                             prairie dogs, ground squirrels, cottontail rabbits, jack rabbits, voles and mice, snakes, birds                   Family Mustelidaearid, short-grass prairie    babies             Order Carnivora female mammal                           500 mm  dawn and dusk probably extinct in Canada       live babies      
adult female bobcat           urine      Lynx rufus     its claws on treesa den of dry moss or leaves in a hollow log, rock crevice or thicket, or under a stump                   4.1-15.3 kgcougar, coyote, wolf             15 years in captivity          rabbit, hare, mouse, rat, squirrel, porcupine, shrew, bird, deer, livestock, snake, lizard, insect              her mate when her kittens are born    Family Felidaeswamps, woodlots, second-growth forests, deserts, rocky hillsides, agricultural land, outskirts of cities    babies             Order Carnivora female mammal             her mate to bring food for her kittens once they are weaned  a good pet if raised from kittenhood 50-60 days    April and May and August to October   710-804 mmwell-traveled paths    2      live babies      
adult female cougar  couguar catnip three pairs of teats mountain lion         Felis concolor    tawny brown to greyish brown, darker on the mid-dorsal line and pale buff on the belly cave, crevice among rocks, under bank or tree, in hollow stump or thicket hounds      southern western Canada, the Maritimes    kittens at 3 months 1 cougar per 93 square km   36-60 kg   large herbivores within the carrying capacity of their food supply prey like a domestic catevery other year                  deer, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, porcupine, beaver, snowshoe hare, mountain beaver, mouse, bird, domestic stock    growl, hiss, cry, purr  humans        2 1/2 years  Family Felidaemountains, canyons, swamps, wooded river valleys, coniferous forests    babies  which may be 19-29 km long          Order Carnivora female mammal         humans occasionally       90-96 days    any month, more likely in late winter or midsummer  in the ecological pyramid1.50-2.33 m     2-4      live babies      
adult female coyote        brush wolf         Canis latrans    tawny grey, darker on the hind part of the back               pups at one month after birth     9-23kgwolf, black bear, cougar, eagle       den for birth and early care of cubs                rabbits, hares, small rodents, wild fruits, insects, carrion from livestock and other sources, deer, domestic sheep, beef calves and domestic poultry    yelping and howling cry, bark, growl, wail, and squeal              Family Canidae     babies            58- 66 cm high at the shoulderOrder Carnivora female mammal       February and March        carnivorous 60-63 days        120- 150 cm (including a 30- 40 cm tail)     3-7      live babies  64 km per hour   
adult female ermine  hermine   10 mammae stoat        coyotes, badgers, foxes, hawks, owls, martens, wolverines, fishers, humansMustella erminea March and April and again in October and November  brown on top and white below in summer, white in winter, black tipped tail  in hollow log, under building, in burrow of mouse, ground squirrel, chipmunk or pocket gopher    grabbing it around the shoulders and biting through the neck at the base of the skull  all of Canada          45-74 g                         mice, shrews, hares, porcupines, birds, squirrels, fish, rats, voles, ground squirrels, pocket gophers, chipmunks, pikas, mountain beavers, snakes, frogs, earthworms            10 months   2-3 months of age miceFamily Mustelidaeboreal coniferous forests, mixed forests, tundra, meadow edges, shrubby river banks, lakeshores    babiesfur, feathers, grass, leaves            Order Carnivora female mammal    extra food in larders  early summer           spring and fall because of changing duration of daylight  April or May   215-255 mm     4-9   fur by humans  live babies      
adult female fisher  pékan              humansMartes pennanti    dark brown or black with grizzled grey mantle den in hollow tree or log, rock crevice, brush pile                   1.3-3.1 kg             the ground           red squirrels, flying squirrels, re-backed voles, snowshoe hares, shrews, porcupines, deer mice, mink, muskrat, carrion, birds, insects, fruit         regular hunting circuits up to 97 km in length      2 years  Family Mustelidaeclimax coniferous forest near water    babies             Order Carnivora female mammal      16 km in diameterMarch and April          352 days    March or April   703-946 mm     1-4      live babies      
adult female grey fox  renard gris   six mammae      her den with her pups during the day    Urocyon cinereoargenteus      hollow log, stump, rock pile or burrow        southern Ontario and Quebec, southern Manitoba      1.3 foxes per square km in good habitat   3.4-5.4 kg                         cottontail rabbit, groundhog, deer mouse, harvest mouse, shrew, bird, insect, fish, corn, apple, nut                first birthday  Family Canidaeforests and marshlands    babies          another adult female grey fox  Order Carnivora female mammal       end of January to mid May        carnivorous unknown        800-1,125 mm     3.7      live babies      
adult female grizzly bear                  Ursus arctos Linnaeus    nearly white or ivory yellow to black                     125-175 kg              up to 25 years  1200 in Alberta, 6500 in British Columbia, 4000-5000 in the Northwest Territories, 5000-8000 in the Yukon in 1985       plants, mammals, fish                   Family Ursidae     babies             Order Carnivora female mammal                      January or February in a winter den       a den during the winter 1-4      live babies      
adult female least weasel  belette pygmée              biting through the back of the neck of its preyMustela nivalis  4 days dark brown with white underparts in summer, white in winter mouse, pocket gopher or mole burrow        much of Canada except the Maritimes, southern Ontario and Quebec, coastal BC and the northeastern arctic tundra     more than 100 yards from its home    25-58 glong-tailed weasels, owls, feral house cats                  scent     meadow voles, prairie voles, red-backed voles, deer mice, house mice, harvest mice, amphibians, insects    shrill shriek all winter         4 months  Family Mustelidaestubble fields, meadows, river banks, parklands, mixed forests  1 gram of food per hour which adds up to more than half the body weight of an adult least weasel per day babies             Order Carnivora female mammal    mouse carcasses in larderfine grass or mouse fur0.8 hectares         the smallest carnivore in Canada 35-37 days        170-181 mm     3-10      2 or more litters per year      
adult female long-tailed weasel  belette à longue queue   four pairs of mammae           Mustela frenata    cinnamon brown above and buff coloured below in summer, white in winter, black tipped tail    the winter     southern Canada          72-126 g                         meadow voles, deer mice, chipmunks, pocket gophers, ground squirrels, pikas, prairie dogs, cottontail rabbits, wood rats, red squirrels, harvest mice, house mice, Norway rats, roof rats, shrews, least weasels, birds, chickens, insects, snakes, berries                   Family Mustelidaeopen grassland, aspen parklands, river bottom lands    babies             Order Carnivora female mammalOctober to December, and February to April caused by changing length of daylight      July and Augustother adult long-tailed weasels except during the breeding season         220-337 days    March or April   306-362 mm     3-9  foxes, coyotes, wolves, domestic cats and dogs   live babies      
adult female lynx  loup-cervier   four teats          humans, cougars, wolvesLynx lynx October and November and again in April and May  grey frosted on the back, buffy on the belly                about 4 km per day    5.1-11.6 kg                   sight or hearing     snowshoe hare, bird, meadow vole, moose and caribou carrion, squirrel, fox, skunk                   Family Felidaedense boreal forest, tundra    babies   urine marks         Order Carnivora female mammal      15-20 square kmMarch and April          9 weeks   furMay or June   76.5-96.5 cm     2-3      1 litter per year      
adult female marten  martre d'Amérique               Martes americana    dark brown fur coat and a bright orange throat patch, lighter in summer trees but also spend time on the ground                   650 g curious and ferocious                  fur industry    red-backed voles, deer mouse, field voles, varying hare, grouse, squirrels, shrews, bird's eggs, amphibians, berries      all winter       other martens of the opposite sex 15-17 monthsin hollow tree Family Mustelidaeold growth coniferous or mixed woods forest    babies             Order Carnivora female mammalsummer     0.7 square kmJuly and August          8-9 months    March or April   551-645 mm    threatened in Newfoundland2-6      live babies      
adult female mink  vison d'Amérique   3 pairs of mammae           Mustela vison    brown to almost black, paler on the belly den under the roots of trees, along stream banks, occasionally in beaver or muskrat lodges      fur most of Canada south of the treeline except Newfoundland, Anticosti Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands      3 - 8.5 mink per square km of good habitat   0.79-1.2 kggreat horned owls, bobcats, red foxes, coyotes, wolves, black bearsbold, ferocious and untamable                       meadow voles, muskrats, shrews, cottontail rabbits, fish, frogs, salamanders, crayfish, insects, birds, earthworms    cooing, screams, hisses all winter         1 year  Family Mustelidae     babies             Order Carnivora female mammal      7.6-20 hectaresFebruary to April         50 days    April or May   420-597 mm     2-10      one litter per year      
adult female polar bear                 humans, killer whale, male walrusUrsus maritimusInuit for food and clothing   creamy white      2 minutes     every second year                               den in snowbank in late autumn  seals, walrus, carrion, fish, mussels, crabs, starfish, eggs, grass, mushrooms, berries, lemmings, humans          paddling only with its front feet     5 -7 years  Family Ursidaesouthern broken edge of the arctic ice pack6.4 km per hour   babies             Order Carnivora female mammalMay to August      April and May      40 km per hour   228-254 days    her den         2      live babies      
adult female raccoon  raton laveur   4 pairs of mammaePrince Edward Island          Procyon lotor the summer  grizzled grey den in hollow tree, cave, hollow log, stump, burrow, culvert, drain pipe, barrel        much of southern Canada except Newfoundlandslowly with a rolling gallop     4 raccoons per square km   7.5 kgbobcat, red fox, coyote, great horned owl   wood chips                    corn, fruit, crayfish, grub, insect, fish, frog, turtle, meadow vole, deer mouse, cottontail rabbit, squirrel, bird        babies to hunt and climb          Family Procyonidaeforested areas near water   severe winter weather in northern areasbabies             Order Carnivoraground vibrationsfemale mammal       January to March         63 days  if cornered April or May         1-6      live babies      
adult female red fox  renard roux   8 mammae  night        Vulpes vulpes      modified groundhog burrow        most of Canada except the high arctic      1 fox per 4 square km   3.6-6.8 kg shy, nervous                       moles, shrews, groundhogs, squirrels, mice, muskrats, cottontail rabbits, snowshoe hares, birds, crayfish, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, acorns, grasses, corn, berries, fruit, snakes, fish, frogs    high-pitched bark           10 months  Family Canidaesemi-open country such as agricultural areas, lakeshores, river valleys, clearings in the forest, alpine and arctic tundra    babies             Order Carnivora female mammal      3.6-8 square kmJanuary to March       carnivorous 51-53 days    March, April or May     red, cross, silver   1-10      live babies      
adult female river otter  loutre de rivière             food under water Lontra canadensis    brown hollow logs, stumps, roots, beaver lodges        all of Canada except the high arctic          7.2 kgcoyotes, wolvessociable, playful and docile with strong family loyalty        snowy, grassy or muddy hills   up to 16 years in captivity          fish, insects, frogs, tadpoles, newts, muskrats, meadow voles, shrews and beavers   furshrill whistle, chuckle, grunt all winter her babies to swim and hunt after they are 10-12 weeks old     her mate while their babies are small 2 years  Family Mustelidaeshores of deep, clear lakes, rivers, marshes and ocean bays    babiesdry wood chips, bark, leaves            Order Carnivora female mammal       late winter to early spring     her mate to help raise their babies after they are 6 months old    9.5-12.5 months        1-1.16 m     1-4      live babies      
adult female sea otter  loutre de mer   two teats           Enhydra lutris   on it back in patches of kelprusty red, brown, almost black, usually paler on the throat, chest and head      15-150 seconds   west coast of Canada          19.7 kgkiller whale             about 8 years          sea urchins, mussels, crabs, limpets, snails, fish      all winter    her baby on her chest    3 years  Family Mustelidaethe sea, off rocky reefs, islets and coasts    babies         its thick fur for insulation   Order Carnivora female mammal       spring or summer              springon land  1-1.3 mflat stone as an anvil for pounding mussel shells to open them    1      live babies      
adult female striped skunk dried grasses and leavesmouffette rayée               Mephitis mephitis    black with white stripes down the back and tail burrow of groundhog or cottontail rabbit        most of southern Canada      5.2 per square km of agricultural land the fall to prepare for hibernation 0.95-2.10 kggreat horned owl, bobcat, coyote, fisherplacid and sluggish     10-30% her weight during hibernation                 fruit, small mammals, insects, grasses. leaves and buds, carrion, grains and nuts, eggs, baby birds, crayfish, minnows, mollusks, frogs, lizards and snakes    hisses, growls, squeals, soft cooings         male skunks after mating    Family Mustelidaeagricultural land, forest, along river valleys    babies when in danger           Order Carnivora female mammal   in the spring and fall  4 hectareslate February and early March     14.5 km an hour  up to 12 other skunks in a den mostly females with young62 days    May   512-593 mm     2-10      live babies      
adult female swift fox  renard velocé       a large house cat       Vulpes velox      den in sandy soil on open prairie, along fence or in ploughed field               0.4-0.8 foxes per square km   1.6-2.1 kg                  April and July           yap, purr, growl, croak and whine              Family Canidaearid short-grass plains and shrubby deserts    babies             Order Carnivora female mammal life            40 km per hour carnivorous unknown    March or April   844 mm    possibly extinct in Canada4-5      live babies      
adult female western spotted skunk  mouffette tachetée               Spilogale gracilis    black with 6 white stripes on the back, white tipped tail and white spots on the head groundhog burrow, hollow log, stump, tree       striped skunksouth-western British Columbia      5 skunks per square km of good agricultural land    domestic cats and dogs, great horned owlsecretive, sociable                       cottontail rabbits, field voles, Norway rats. house mice, corn, insects, plants, fruit, birds, eggs, carrion, lizards, snakes, frogs    grunt and screech              Family Mustelidaescrubland, canyons and farmland    babies when in danger           Order Carnivora female mammal      64 hectareslate winter      7.2 km per hour   121 days    early summer   323-439 mm     4-5      live babies    in winter with other skunks 
adult female wolf  loup  urine8 teats     pups          white, cream, grey, brown or black pack made up of 4-7 relatives and pups        all of Canada except the south where it has been exterminated  to follow game   1 wolf to 26-207 square km   26-79 kg            domestic dog up to 18 years in captivity          moose, caribou, elk, deer, bighorn sheep, bison, muskox, rabbit, hare, marmot, ground squirrel, beaver, muskrat, mouse, bird, fish, berry, fruit, insect, grassanother female's pups if their mother is killed   howl, bark, yelp, whine, snarl click to hear sound (30k wav file)      pups in her mouth    2 years  Family Canidaearctic tundra, mountains, plains, forests    babies             Order Carnivora female mammallate springlife1-1.5 large animals per month   260-675 square kmlate February to mid March     45 km per hour over a short distance carnivorous 60-63 days    early May pack 150-205 cm     7      live babies      
adult female wolverine  carcajou              wolves, porcupines, humansGulo gulo    glossy dark brown with two pale buff stripes on the shoulders and flanks          northern Canada as far north as Ellesmere Island when she is 2 years old        6.6-14.8 kg pugnacious, curious, bold and strong       one breeding period per year      carcasses left by wolves and bears        roots, berries, mice, ground squirrels, birds' eggs, baby birds, fish, beavers, porcupines, moose, caribou, mountain goats, carrion    bark, growl, hiss in the day and at night            Family Mustelidaeboreal forests, tundra, alpine tundra    babiesgrass and leaves    her babies' tummies after feeding to aid digestion       Order Carnivora female mammal       April to September intruders to her nest when her babies are young       7-8 monthswolf or grizzly bear   March and April   865-932 mm     2-5fallen tree, upturned root, rocky crevice, low tree bough     live babies      
caribou cow   its cud              Rangifer tarandus      a herd                    wolf, human,                        lichen, flowers, grasses, leaves of shrubs                         babies             Order Artiodactyla female mammal                                       live babies      
female beaver                  Castor canadensis    brown                  dam  16 to 32kgwolf, coyote, bear, lynx, river otter, and wolverine                        tree bark, grasses, herbs, leaves of woody plants, fruits, and aquatic plants                   Family Castoridae     babies             Order Rodentia female mammal              water with its tail if it senses dangerthe largest rodent in North America 100 days    May or June   up to 1.3 m including its 30 cm long tailits tail as a rudder when swimming    3-4      live babies      
female little brown bat               buildings  Myotis lucifugus      a colony in the summer   22 cm               8 g                         insects                   Family Vespertilionidai     babies           upside down   little brown bat                  50 - 60 days    June    echolocation to find prey    1      live babies      
female moose   its cud              alces alces    dark brown, almost black, to reddish or greyish brown, with grey or white leg stockings                     up to 600 kgwolf, cougar, wolverine, black bear, grizzly bear, human                between 500,000 and 1,000,000 in Canada   up to 5.5 m under water   twigs, shrubs, tree bark in the winter; twigs, leaves, shrubs, upland plants, and water plants in the summer                         babies             Order Artiodactyla moose                                1-2      live babies   ticks, hydatids, meningeal worms  
female muskrat                  Ondatra zibethicus      a lodge or burrow in bank    15 minutes by reducing its heart rate and relaxing its muscles when submerged which reduces the rate at which oxygen is used               mink, snapping turtle, northern pike, wolf, coyote, fox, domestic dog, badger, wolverine, fisher, raccoon, and lynx                        cattails, bulrushes, horsetails, pondweeds, sedges, wild rice, willows, fish, frogs, and clams               3 in a summer   Family Muridaefresh water marshes, marshy areas of lakes, and slow-moving streams at 6 weeks of age  babies             Order Rodentia muskrat       March, April or May right after spring breakup          less than 1 month              5-10      live babies fur    
female white-tailed deer   its cud    a doe         Odocoileus virginianus    summer: red on the back and sides and white below, winter: grey above                 more than three deer per square kilometer   more than 110 kg         antlers               leaves, herbs, grass, fiddleheads, mushrooms, blueberries, acorns, twigs, buds             northern white-tailed deer, Dakota white-tailed deer, tawny northwestern white-tailed deer           babies            1 m at the shoulderOrder Artiodactyla white-tailed deer      as far north as Great Slave Lake and from Cape Breton Island westward to south-central British Columbia               late spring         1-2      live babies      

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