Title: Inventory System for SASS

Student Academic Success Service (SASS) is a group of services provided for students at the University of Ottawa, the SASS-IT team is a group within SASS that is responsible for the purchasing and deployment of hardware and software for every other group within SASS. This has created a need for a new tool that will be used by the staff of SASS-IT to manage inventory. This application was built using the following technologies:MySQL: database layer, PHP: server side scripting and an interface to MySQL, CSS 3 and HTML 5: presentation layer with an open mind to making websites accessible, JavaScript: improve client side interaction through jQuery. The primary goal of the project is to analyze the requirements, design, develop and deploy an application that will allow SASS-IT to efficiently manage its inventory of hardware and software.
The high level features required include (but are not limited to):
Be able to add hardware and software items with relevant information about these items: such as MAC address, IP address, software license keys, etc.
Be able to add/edit/discard (without entirely removing from database) the equipment
Be able to use a tagging system to tag items (for example use a “Accessibility” tag to label equipment for accessibility needs)
Allow IT staff to track the age of an item, to assist in managing resources and replacement plans – it is important to track and remind the IT team about expired warranties, employees that no longer work for the department assigned to the equipment and so forth
Associate users to equipment so that an administrator can track the equipment that has been assigned to a user