Topic: Drupal-izing SASS Web Sites

Student Academic Success Service (SASS) is a service-providing department at the University of Ottawa. The programs and services offered by SASS complement student's classroom learning and help students achieve their professional and academic goals. Services offered by SASS include personal and career counseling, accessibility services, and writing services among others. The Website acts the web front for all the services SASS offers. Nowadays, websites at the University of Ottawa are de-centralized; rather than one central entity controlling the development and deployment of websites across faculties and services. The University of Ottawa has now elected to reduce the de-centralization of the universities public sites by switching over to the Drupal content management system. The primary goal of this project is to investigate, establish, and carry out the necessary steps involved in semi-automatically migrating a non-Drupal site (vanilla PHP) to one that is under Drupal control.