Title: Agent-Based System to Model Health Care Teams

In clinical practice, an Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team (IHT) that follows a clinical workflow is often mandated with managing patients representing complex medical cases. Such team includes different health professionals and specialists whose actions are driven by a shared common goal of providing evidence-based care to a patient.This presentation discusses the development of Multi-Agent System (MAS) that supports the execution of the workflow tasks to be conducted by members of the IHT. A proof-of-concept implementation of an IHT is being built around the concept of "capability", defined as an ability to perform a clinical task. We are developing this MAS based on MET4 using Java agent and workflow technologies (JADE and WADE). The MAS will interact with an existing open source Electronic Health Record system as well. A Pediatric Clinical Obesity Management process is involved as a case study to motivate and illustrate the system.