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   Dec 1
Journal paper accepted
The paper "Efficient Detection of Faulty Nodes with Cuckoo Search in t-Diagnosable Systems" has been accepted for publication at the Applied Soft Computing journal.

 Nov 18
Award received
Rafael has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 MITACS & NRC-IRAP Award for Commercialization.

   Aug 15
Conference paper accepted
The paper "Risk Management with Hard-Soft Data Fusion in Maritime Domain Awareness" has been accepted for presentation at the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (IEEE CISDA 2014)

   Jun 1st
Conference paper  accepted
The paper "Vessel Tracking and Anomaly Detection using Level 0/1 and High-Level Information Fusion Techniques" has been accepted for presentation at the 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2014).

   May 13
R&D project awarded
Larus Technologies was awarded a 2-year R&D Mitacs Accelerate Cluster to develop "Risk Aware Decision Support Systems for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Territorial Security"

Granular Computing: At the Junction of Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets

  • R. Bello, Univ. Central Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba

  • R. Falcón, Univ. Central Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba

  • W. Pedrycz, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

  • J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

        "Online version available"
    Since their very inception, both fuzzy and rough set theories have earned a sound, welldeserved reputation owing to their intrinsic capabilities to model uncertainty coming from the real world. The increasing amount of investigations on both subjects reported every year in the literature vouches for the dynamics of the area and its rapid advancements. In the last few years the widespread utilization of fuzzy and rough sets as granulation sources has contributed to lay both methodologies in a privileged position within Granular Computing, thus giving rise to a sort a modeling which is far closer to the way human beings perceive their environment – via granulated knowledge.

    This volume is a compilation of the best papers presented at the First International Symposium on Fuzzy and Rough Sets (ISFUROS 2006) held in Santa Clara, Cuba. You will therefore find valuable contributions both in the theoretical field as in several application domains such as intelligent control, data analysis, decision making and machine learning, just to name a few. Together, they will catch you up with the huge potential of the aforementioned methodologies.

    Copyright © Rafael Falcon | All Rights