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( $ Figure  1  !  _   B.4 <DL!XB    XX;         +  } ;Introduction#; }# + Ԍ  Ќ   XX ;XwbXXX  $ X, X$  K4XX%2A`ArialXXwbKO4XwbX%2A`ArialXX-O    XXXXwb    Thepurposeofthisdocumentistoprovideamoretechnicalrequirementspecificationfor  ouronlinepizzadeliverysystem,C CAAD DPizzaBytesAA.Itisbrokendownintotwofunctionalparts:  UserInterfaceandDataBasespecification.Thisdocumentisdirectedtowardsthedevelopersof BBPizzaBytesBB.Itprovidesahighleveldesigndescriptionofthesystemusing   graphicalinterpretationsanddataflowdiagrams.*݌̌  XwbXXX       XXXXwb    #݌̌  XwbXXX      B.4 <DL!XB    XXwb;         1.UserInterface ` HԌ P  Ќ   XX ;XwbXXX  $ X, X$      XXXXwb  V  V݌̌  XwbXXX       XXXXwb  "   Thesystemallowsforonewelcomepagethatlinkstoseveralpages.Inour P  implementation,thesepagesare:OrderingpageIsI,ProfilepageJsJandaStatuspage.Seefigure1forthelayoutoftheuserinterface.EE" t ݌̌  XwbXXX   pV%<,(`~0_k `.(#E_kkepp (#(#                          (#(#  X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXXwb    T  A.OrderingT Ԍ )H%( Ќ X$ X44, X$ XwbXXX       XXXXwb    0  TheOrderingFpageFGprocessGallowstheusertoputtogetherthedesiredorderH,H.Thenthe + '* useristakentoathirdpagewhichshowsthebillinginformationandasksforeithertheaddressinformationoftheuserorforthepasswordandlogininformationifthe -(, useralreadyhasaprofilecreated.Whenallisdone,theuseristakentotheStatuspage.XXXX#݌(#(# Ќ  XwbXXX   XXXXwbO4XX%2A`ArialXXO  X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXX      B.ProfilePage Ԍ ` Ќ X$ X44, X$ XXXX   K4XX%2A`ArialXXK    XXXX    #XXXXz#0  TheProfilepageallowstheusertoeitherupdateanexistingprofileortocreatea 8  newprofile.Theprofileconsistsoftheusersaddressaswellasthemethodofpaymentdesired.݌ (#(# Ќ  XXXX     X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXX      C.StatusPageK 3Ԍ $  Ќ X$ X44, X$ XXXX       XXXX  %  0  TheStatusPageaskstheuserforanumberwhichidentifiestheorderanddisplays   informationaboutit.Thisnumberisgiventotheuserwhentheorderiscompleted.%w݌ (#(# Ќ  XXXX       X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXX      D.SendEmailComments iԌ \ Ќ X$ X44, X$ XXXX   B.4 <DL!XB     H.4 <DL!, XH   ; XX;  ;         2.  DatabaseSubsystem  eԌ H Ќ   XX ;XXXX  *, X, X*  K4XX%2A`ArialXXKE+ 4 <DL!, XE#XXXX#XxXXX      XXXXx  s  TheDatabasesubsystemforthePizzaBytesonlineorderingsystemwillbedividedinto H 3separatestorageunits.ThesestorageunitswillgoverntheinformationpertainingtoUSER,PRODUCT,andORDERinformationrespectively.Theyhavebeenseparatedtoensurethatifonedatabasewastogoofflineforanyreason,theothertwowouldcontinuetoworkeffectivelyshouldtheneedarise.Eachofthedatabaseshavebeenoutlinesbelowwithafulldescriptionoftheirhierarchy.s݌̌  XxXXX   #XXXXxH#  XXXX#XXXXg!#XxXXX&      X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXXx    !  4"l! 62A. 4 USERdatabase!" o"Ԍ 4" Ќ X$ X44, X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx!# X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXX'l!!#XXXX+$#XxXXX X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  $  TheUSERdatabasewillstoreallinformationthatisrelativetotheconsumersfor >$! thePizzaBytessystemwhentheycreateanewaccount.$%݌ *%z " Ќ X   X4XXxXXX       X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  '  ''݌̌ X   X4XXxXXX   #XXXXx$#XxXXX  &  ?+ 4 <DL!X?  <( <DL!X<XXXXx    (  '#'R" 621. USERTABLE() g)Ԍ '#$ Ќ $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXxl(#XxXXX?+ 4 <DL!X?  X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  +  X<(  <DL!4X<''(++݌̌   ! X  X!XxXXX       X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  ,  X<(  <DL!4X<Thistablewillcontainallsingleentryinformationforthevarioususersofthe )$%& PizzaBytessystem.Itwillconsistofthefollowingfields.,p-݌ *&' Ќ   ! X  X!XxXXX   #XXXXx*#XxXXX  &  ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    /  t,'+& 62a) UserIdentificationNumber(KEY)/V0 >0Ԍ t,'( Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxC/#   ?+` ` <DL!X?XXXX'+n/ -()  ?%  <DL!` ` X?Aneightcharacterstringwitheachcharacterenumeratedtoalphanumericvalues(09andaz).Thisallowsfor368(2.8  quadrillion)possibleuserentriesforthePizzaBytessystem  #XXXX 2#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    34  ( x` 62b) UserName344 4Ԍ ( x Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx3#  XXXX'`30  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdthe_favoured_Ԁtitleandnameoftheconsumer  & v (# (#   #XXXX 6#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    7   N  62c) UserAddress/Location7{8 c8Ԍ   Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx\7#  XXXX' 70  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdthedeliveryaddressfortheconsumer    (# (#   #XXXX9#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    o;  d 62d) UserPostalCodeo; < ;Ԍ d Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx:#  XXXX';0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#AsixcharacterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdthePostalcodefortheconsumer  (# (#   #XXXXc=#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    >  R: 62e) UserTelephoneNumberw/AreaCode>? g?Ԍ R Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx`>#  XXXX':>0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#Atencharacterstringwitheachcharacterenumeratedtodecimalvalues09.Thefirstthreevaluesrepresenttheareacodefortheconsumerwhilethefinalsevenrepresentthetelephonenumber.  (# (#   #XXXX@#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    B    62f) UserPreferredOutletBvC ^CԌ   Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxWB#?+ 4 <DL!X?XXXX'B   9%  <DL!X9AfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDoftheUserspreferredpizzaoutlet.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7million) # uniquecombinations.#XXXXE#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    F  'f"N&! 62g) UserSpecialFG xGԌ 'f" Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxlF#  XXXX'N&F0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdadescriptionofanyspecialoffersthatapplytoanindividualuser(i.e.freepizza/pointssystem).  (# (#  X?+4 4 <DL!X? +<'$ #XXXXH#XxXXX&   X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  <( <DL!X<XXXXx    K  x 622. USERPREFERENCESTABLEKK KԌ x Ќ $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXxJ#XxXXX?+ 4 <DL!X?  X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  \M  X<(  <DL!4X<'J\MM݌̌   ! X  X!XxXXX       X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  O  X<(  <DL!4X<Forfasterordering,theUsercansaveapreferredorderinthePizzaBytes  database.Thefollowingfieldshavebeenoutlinedforthistable.OO݌̌   ! X  X!XxXXX   #XXXXxL#  X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXX#XXXXQ#XxXXX&  X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    R   ^F  62a) UserIdentificationNumber(PARTIALKEY)R.S SԌ  ^ Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx R#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'F ,RAneightcharacterstringwitheachcharacterenumeratedtoalphanumericvalues(09andaz).Thisallowsfor368(2.8  \  quadrillion)possibleuserentriesforthePizzaBytessystem.This H  formsapartialkeywithProductIdentificationNumber.#XXXXT#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    V     62b) ProductIdentificationNumber(PARTIALKEY)VW oWԌ   Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxcV#  XXXX'V0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#AfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDaspecificproductavailableonthemenu.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7  million)uniquecombinations.ThisformsapartialkeywithUserIdentificationNumber.  (# (#   #XXXXX#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    ![  6n 62c) ProductQuantity![[ [Ԍ 6 Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxZ#  XXXX'Z   `  Avalueupto256torepresentthequantityoftheproductordered#XXXX]#XxXXX&    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    H^  4 62d) ProductTotalCostH^^ ^Ԍ  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx]#  XXXX']0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#Acurrencyfieldthatwillholdthetotalcostoftheproducttakingintoaccountthequantityordered  (# (# #XXXX>`#XxXXX&    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    a  ^#" 62e) AlterationsaXb @bԌ ^# Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxEa#  XXXX'"da0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedstringwithUsersnotesofspecificchangestotheproduct.  (# (#  X?+4 4 <DL!X?#XXXXc#XxXXX&  X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  <( <DL!X<XXXXx    ve  (L$4(# 623. FRANCHISEOUTLETTABLEvef eԌ (L$  Ќ $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXxd#XxXXX?+ 4 <DL!X?  X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  g  X<(  <DL!4X<'4(eg^h݌̌   ! X  X!XxXXX       X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx  qi  X<(  <DL!4X<ThisTablewillcontaintheinformationpertainingtothefranchisedoutlets +V&" availabletothePizzaBytessystemtosendconsumersordersto.qij݌   ! X  X!XxXXX   #XXXXxag#    XXXX ,.($ #XXXXk#XxXXX&     ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    l  x 62a) OutletIdentificationNumber(KEY)lbm JmԌ x Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxEl#  ?+ 4 <DL!X?XXXX'dl 9%  <DL!X9AfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDoftheUserspreferredpizzaoutlet.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7million) v uniquecombinations.Thisisthekeyforthistable.ItrepresentstheuniqueIDforeachfranchiseoutletinthedatabase.#XXXX o#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    Rq   R:  62b) OutletNameRqq qԌ  R Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxp#  XXXX': p0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdtheNameofthefranchiseoutlet  P  (# (#   #XXXXAs#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    t   (  62c) OutletLocationtqu YuԌ   Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxRt#  XXXX'}t0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdtheaddressfortheoutlet    (# (# #XXXXv#XxXXX&    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    4x  R 62d) OutletPostalCode4xx xԌ R Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxw#  XXXX'w0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#AsixcharacterdelimitedfieldthatwillholdthePostalcodefortheoutlet  (# (#   #XXXX*z#XxXXX  &    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    {  @(x 62e) OutletTelephoneNumberw/AreaCode{D| ,|Ԍ @ Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx%{#  XXXX'(P{#XXXX}#XxXXX  ?+ 4 <DL!X?    9%  <DL!X9XXXXx  n~  Atencharacterstringwitheachcharacterenumeratedtodecimal R values09.Thefirstthreevaluesrepresenttheareacodefortheoutletwhilethefinalsevenrepresentitstelephonenumber.n~݌̌   ! X  X!XxXXX   #XXXXx~# X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXX#XXXX#XxXXX&  X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXXx    ȁ  z"! 62B. 4 ORDERdatabaseȁn VԌ z" Ќ X$ X44, X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxD#  XXXX'!c#XXXXƃ#XxXXX  ?+ 4 <DL!X?  X  ?+4 4 <DL!X?XXXXx    TheORDERdatabasewillstoreallinformationthatisrelativetotheactiveorders $ forthePizzaBytessystem.%݌ p%  Ќ X   X4XXxXXX   #XXXXx#  XXXX#XXXX#XxXXX&    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  <( <DL!X<XXXXx    R  (`#H'" 621. ORDERTABLER ׇԌ (`# Ќ $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXx܆#?+ 4 <DL!X?XXXX'H'   <(  <DL!X<ThistablewillcontainallsingleentryinformationforactiveordersofthePizzaBytessystem. +V&" #XXXXq#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx       , (+B' 62a) OrderIdentificationNumber(KEY)  Ԍ , (# Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'+ -0)$ AfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDofanactiveorder.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7million)uniquecombinations.  ItistheKEYforthistable ?(  <DL!  X?#XXXXl#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    p  ( x` 62b) UserIdentificationNumberp  Ԍ ( x Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'`Aneightcharacterstringwitheachcharacterenumeratedtoalphanumericvalues(09andaz).Thisallowsfor368(2.8 & v quadrillion)possibleuserentriesforthePizzaBytessystem.It  b specifiestheuserthatownstheorder. ?(  <DL!  X? X :   X#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    &   &  62c) PizzaOutletIdentificationNumber&Ô Ԍ   Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'AfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDoftheUserspreferredpizzaoutlet.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7million)  uniquecombinations.Thisisthekeyforthistable.ItrepresentstheuniqueIDforeachfranchiseoutletinthedatabase.#XXXXs#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    u  dL 62d) CurrentStatusu Ԍ d Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#  XXXX'L 0  0` (#(#0 ` (#` (#A256characterdelimitedstringcontainingthelateststatusoftheorder.  (# (#  <(  <DL!X< X N  X#XXXXh#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    V  : 62e) FinalTotalV ۜԌ  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxϛ#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'Acurrencyfieldthatwillholdthefinalcostoftheordertakingintoeachoftheproductsordered. ?(  <DL!  X? X !  X#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    N  P#" 62f) MethodofPaymentN ӠԌ P# Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxǟ#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'"AonebytefieldthatwillrepresentthevariousmethodsofpaymentavailableinthePizzaBytessystem.(I.e.cash,visa,COD,etc.) ?(  <DL!  X? X :'"   X#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    l  (>$&(v# 62g) CreditNumberl  Ԍ (>$! Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'&(Asixteencharacterfieldthatholdsthenumberonthecredit/bankingcardbeingusedforpayment ?(  <DL!  X? X ,((%  X#XXXX#XxXXX&     B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    v  x 62h) CreditExpiryv Ԍ x Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'Afourcharacterfieldthatholdstheexpirydateforacreditcardbeingusedforpayment ?(  <DL!  X? X b   X#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  <( <DL!X<XXXXx    e   fN  622. ORDERPRODUCTSTABLEe Ԍ  f Ќ $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXxޫ#  XXXX'N #XXXXZ#XxXXX&    ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    &   8 p 62a) OrderIdentificationNumber(PARTIALKEY)&ï Ԍ  8  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX' ϮAfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDofanactiveorder.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7million)uniquecombinations. 6  ThisformsapartialkeywithProductIdentificationNumber. ?(  <DL!  X? X    X#XXXXz#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx      r 62b) ProductIdentificationNumber(PARTIALKEY)W ?Ԍ r  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx3#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'RAfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDaspecificproductavailableonthemenu.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7 p million)uniquecombinations.ThisformsapartialkeywithOrderIdentificationNumber.#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx      L4 62c) ProductQuantity kԌ L Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx_#  ?+ 4 <DL!X?XXXX'4~ 9%  <DL!X9Avalueupto256torepresentthequantityoftheproductordered ?(  <DL!  X?#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    λ  6 62d) ProductTotalCostλk SԌ  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxG#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'fAcurrencyfieldthatwillholdthetotalcostoftheproducttakingintoaccountthequantityordered ?(  <DL!  X? X #  X#XXXX #XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    Ϳ  L% $ 62e) AlterationsͿj RԌ L%  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxF#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'$eA256characterdelimitedstringwithUsersnotesofspecificchangestotheproduct. XB+4 4 <DL!  XB#XXXX#XxXXX&  X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  <( <DL!X<XXXXx      *:&"*r% 623. ORDERSTATUSTABLE%  Ԍ *:&!  $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   <(  <DL!X<XXXX'"*# ,X'" #XXXX#XxXXX&     B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx      x 62a) OrderIdentificationNumber(PARTIALKEY)g OԌ x Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx9#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'XAfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDofanactiveorder.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7million)uniquecombinations. v ThisformsapartialkeywithStatusListTimeStamp. ?(  <DL!  X?#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    '   R:  62b) StatusListTimeStamp(PARTIALKEY)' Ԍ  R Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX': ADate/Timedatatypethatholdsthetimethattheordersstatuschangetookplace.ThisformsapartialkeywithOrderIdentificationNumber.    ?(  <DL!  X?#XXXXv#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    M  x 62c) StatusListDescriptionM Ԍ x  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'A256characterdelimitedstringcontainingthestatusdescription. XB+4 4 <DL!  XB X v  X#XXXX#XxXXX&  X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  X?+4 4` <DL!X? XXXXx    .  *zb 62C. 4 PRODUCTdatabase. Ԍ *z Ќ X$ X44, X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#  XXXX'b0  TalkaboutthepurposeoftheProductdatabasewithrespecttothepizzabytesonlineorderingsystem.Brieflydescribeitsindividualcontributiontothesystem.Isthisastaticoradynamicdatabase?Thedatabasewillbetabulatedwiththefollowingfields. (#(# ?+ 4 <DL!X?#XXXX.#XxXXX&      <( <DL!X<XXXXx    "    621. PRODUCTTABLE" Ԍ  Ќ $ X  ,<X$XxXXX   62#XXXXx# X  ?+4 4 <DL!X? XXXXX'     X#XXXXk#XxXXX&  X  ?+ 4 <DL!4X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    g  j"! 62a) ProductIdentificationNumber(KEY)g Ԍ j" Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'!AfourcharacteralphanumericstringtorepresenttheIDaspecificproductavailableonthemenu.Fourcharacterswillgive364(1.7 h%  million)uniquecombinations.ThisistheKEYforthistable#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx    p  (D$,(|# 62b) ProductTitlep  Ԍ (D$  Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#  XXXX',(   `  A256characterdelimitedstringcontainingtheProducttitle.    +B'# #XXXXa#XxXXX  &     ?+ 4 <DL!X?  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx      x 62c) ProductDescriptionn VԌ x Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXxE#  XXXX'p   `  A256characterdelimitedstringcontainingtheProductdescription. <(  <DL!X< X v  X#XXXX#XxXXX&    B+ 4 <DL!  XB  9% <DL!X9 XXXXx      * zb  62d) ProductCost& Ԍ * z Ќ $ X  ,X$ XxXXX   62#XXXXx#   9%  <DL!X9XXXX'b !Acurrencyfieldthatwillholdthecostoftheproduct. ?(  <DL!  X? X#XXXX#&   ( x  XXXXe)ProductImage #XXXX#Ԁ d   <%  <DL!  X<XXXX'(  X  Apathdescriptiontoafilecontainingasampleimageoftheproduct  #XXXX#