Ontology-Based M&S Dictionaries:

An Example for V&V


update and ã by Tuncer Ören 2006-09-09



Ontologies are used to represent relationships of concepts. See for example Fishwick and Miller for ontologies for M&S (2004). There are different ways relationships can be represented. For example in Visual Thesaurus, a graphic relationship is augmented with definitions [VT]. Ontology-based dictionaries can be used to represent the conceptual relationships of M&S terms.

Several interwoven concepts and terms exist related with quality of modeling and simulation, software, user/system interfaces, as well as V&V techniques.  Ways to classify and present the relevant information as an ontology-based dictionary would be useful for practitioners as well as for students.

As an example, we elaborate on a small number of M&S V&V terms given in Table 1 [Ören et al., 1985]. For a complete list of M&S quality assurance terms, please see Ören [1984]. Table 2 is a conventional dictionary (arranged alphabetically by the terms) for the M&S V&V terms listed in Table 1.

In quality assurance studies, most of the terms represent evaluation of an element with respect to a criterion.  Hence, in an ontology-based dictionary, as in Tables 3 and 4, col. 1 shows the element which is evaluated while col. 3 shows the criterion with respect to which the evaluation is done. Col. 2 can be used to refer to a subset of an element represented in col. 1. In reading a definition of a term in an ontology-based dictionary, one can also see –in a systematic way– the relationship (and the nature of relationship) of a term with other terms.  In an ontology-based dictionary, the relationships can be very varied.

For cases where an evaluation criterion cannot be identified, col. 3 can be left blank.

A regular dictionary (arranged alphabetically by the terms) would consist of only columns 4 and 5 to display the terms and the corresponding definitions and possibly pointers to relevant additional concepts.

A 6th column can –be added to a systematic dictionary to indicate pointers to applicable technique(s). Similarly a 7th column can be added for references.

An ontology-based dictionary can be on a CD or can be made available on a Web site where all the searchable terms can be arranged in another alphabetical list. For example, the list of the searchable terms covered in Tables 3 and 4 are shown in Table 1.  (Since Tables 3 and 4 are provided as examples –they don’t include all the terms; hence, the terms given in Table 1 are a small subset of the relevant terms.)  Terms consisting of more than one word, e.g., “experimentation error” can be listed more than once, e.g., “experimentation error” and “error, experimentation,” to be able to search them grouped in different ways; in this case, under experimentation and error.


Fishwick, P.A., Miller, J.A.  (2004). Ontologies for Modeling and Simulation: Issues and Approaches. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 259-264.

Ören, T.I. (1984). Quality Assurance in Modelling and Simulation: A Taxonomy. In: Simulation and Model-Based Methodologies: An Integrative View, T.I. Ören, B.P. Zeigler, M.S. Elzas (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 477-517.

Ören, T.I., Elzas, M.S., Sheng, G. (1985). Model Reliability and Software Quality Assurance in Simulation of Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Systems. In: Waste Management '85, Vol. 1, R.G. Post (ed.), pp. 381-396. 

VT - Visual Thesaurus. http://www.visualthesaurus.com/

Publications of Dr. Tuncer Ören

- on M&S Quality Assurance (QA) are listed at:


- on M&S taxonomies are listed at:    



Table 1.   List of Searchable Terms for the Example on

an Ontology-based Dictionary for M&S V&V


Behavior, sensitivity of model

Behavioral comparison of models

Behavioral model validity

Check, formal

Comparison of models, behavioral

Comparison of models, structural

Computerized experiments, software quality assurance of

Conditions, verification of experimental

Data relevance

Error, experimentation

Error, instrumentation

Experimental conditions, verification of

Experimentation error

Experiments, software quality assurance of computerized

Formal check

Instrumentation error

Library, software quality assurance of run-time simulation

Model behavior, sensitivity of

Model qualification

Model realism

Model validity, behavioral

Model verification

Model verification, structural

Model, software quality assurance of simulation

Models, behavioral comparison of

Models, structural comparison of

Qualification, model

Quality assurance of computerized experiments, software

Quality assurance of run-time simulation library, software

Quality assurance of simulation model, software

Realism, model

Relevance, data

Run-time simulation library, software quality assurance of

Sensitivity of model behavior

Simulation library, software quality assurance of run-time

Simulation model, software quality assurance of

Software quality assurance of computerized experiments

Software quality assurance of run-time simulation library

Software quality assurance of simulation model

Structural model comparison

Structural model verification

Validity, behavioural model

Verification of experimental conditions

Verification, model

Verification, structural model


Table 2. A Conventional Dictionary for the M&S V&V Terms Listed in Table 1



(and relevant concepts)


Behavioral comparison of models

Comparison of behavior of a model with the behavior of another model generated under same conditions

Behavioral model validity (as a black box)

Comparison of model behavior and real system behavior observed or generated under same/similar conditions.

Data relevance

Evaluation of data collected from the real system with respect to the goal of the study. (data accuracy)

Experimentation error

Evaluation of the procedure of collecting data from real system with respect to experimental conditions.

Formal check

Evaluation of the simulation model with respect to the modeling formalism used. (consistency checks, completeness checks for built-in quality assurance)

Instrumentation error

Evaluation of data collected from the real system with respect to real-system as the source of data, taking into account error tolerance.

Model qualification

Evaluation of a conceptual model with respect to the goal of the study. (model relevance, model adequacy)

Model realism

Evaluation of a conceptual model with respect to the real system.

Model verification

Evaluation of a simulation model with respect to a conceptual model

Sensitivity of model behavior

Comparison of model behavior under different scenarios where all conditions are kept same except for the parameter and/or initial condition for which sensitivity is being assessed.

Software quality assurance of  computerized experiments

Evaluation of computerization of the experiments with respect to software quality assurance requirements.

Software quality assurance of  run-time simulation library

Evaluation of the simulation run-time library with respect to software quality assurance requirements.

Software quality assurance of simulation model

Evaluation of a simulation model with respect to software quality assurance requirements.

Structural model comparison

Evaluation of the structure of a simulation model with respect to the structure of another simulation model.

Structural model verification

Evaluation of the structure of a simulation model with respect to perceived structure of real system.

Verification of experimental conditions

Evaluation of a computerization of experiments with respect to experimental conditions


Table 3.  Part of an Ontology-based Dictionary






        Evaluation of

with respect to



(and relevant concepts)


 Conceptual model



Model qualification

Evaluation of a conceptual model with respect to the goal of the study. (model relevance, model adequacy)


Real system

Model realism

Evaluation of a conceptual model with respect to the real system.










 Real system data

(Real system behavior)




Data relevance

Evaluation of data collected from the real system with respect to the goal of the study. (data accuracy)


Real system


Instrumenta-tion error

Evaluation of data collected from the real system with respect to real-system as the source of data, taking into account error tolerance.

Experimental conditions

Experimenta-tion error

Evaluation of the procedure of collecting data from real system with respect to experimental conditions.



 Simulated data

(Model behavior)


Real system behavior

Behavioral model validity (as a black box)

Comparison of model behavior and real system behavior observed or generated under same/similar conditions.


Behavior of same model under different scenarios


Sensitivity of model behavior

Comparison of model behavior under different scenarios where all conditions are kept same, except for the parameter and/or initial condition for which sensitivity is being assessed.

Behavior of another model under same scenario

Behavioral comparison of models

Comparison of behavior of a model with the behavior of another model generated under same conditions


Table 4 Part of an Ontology-based Dictionary






Evaluation of

with respect to



(and relevant concepts)














Simulation model

(Computerized model)


Real system

Structural model verification

Evaluation of the structure of a model with respect to perceived structure of real system

Conceptual model

Model verification

Evaluation of a simulation model with respect to a conceptual model


Another model

Structural model comparison

Evaluation of the structure of a simulation model with respect to the structure of another simulation model.


Modelling formalism


Formal check

Evaluation of the simulation model with respect to the modeling formalism used. (consistency checks, completeness checks for built-in quality assurance)


Software engineering requirements

Software quality assurance of simulation  model

Evaluation of a simulation model with respect to software quality assurance requirements.


 Computerized experiments


Experimental conditions

Verification of experimental conditions

Evaluation of a computerization of experiments with respect to experimental conditions


Software engineering requirements

Software quality assurance of  computerized experiments

Evaluation of computerization of the experiments with respect to software quality assurance requirements.

 Run-time simulation library


Software engineering requirements

Software quality assurance of  run-time simulation library

Evaluation of the simulation run-time library with respect to software quality assurance requirements.