Modeling and Simulation Body of Knowledge (M&SBOK)


The M&SBOK is being developed under the auspices of

The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)


updated and © by: Dr. Tuncer Ören - 2008-06-04

M&S: Science/methodology - Model Behavior

Behavior-related issues are:

1. Behavior of dynamic systems

2. Behavior generation

3. Behavior processing and

4. Behavior representation

1. Behavior of Dynamic Systems:

The following table is a taxonomy of simulation based on the nature of model behavior.


Table - A Taxonomy of Simulation Based on the Nature of Model Behavior


Type of simulation

Behavior is trajectory

Behavior is structure

- Trajectory simulation

- Structural simulation


2.  Behavior Generation:


The following table is a taxonomy of simulation based on the  generation characteristics  of model behavior.

Table - A Taxonomy of Simulation Based on the Generation Characteristics  of Model Behavior.



Type of simulation

Hardware use

Hardware is

 - used


 - not used



- Simulator

  (man-in-the-loop simulation)

- Simulation




Compressed time

Expanded time


- Real-time simulation

- Compressed time simulation


- Expanded-time simulation



Value-free decision

Descriptive dec.

Explanatory dec.

Predictive dec.


- Value-free simulation


- Descriptive simulation

- Explanatory simulation


- Predictive simulation

Normative decision



- Normative simulation


- Evaluative simulation

- Prescriptive simulation



Continuous generation of model behavior


Simulation run

(single-run simulation study)


- [Multiple-run] simulation study

Antithetic run

- Regenerative simulation

- Sensitivity simulation

- Nested simulation

- Optimizing simulation

 -- simulation within optimization

 -- optimization within simulation

- Expert system (ES) &


  -- simulation within ES

  -- ES within simulation

- Interaction among  decision 


- Gaming simulation

  (game-theoretic simulation)

-- competition

   (zero-sum games)


   (netcentric war gaming)

   business gaming

-- cooperation

   Peace game

-- coopetition

   conflict management


- Interaction between model behavior generation and the real system


- Stand-alone simulation

- Integrated simulation

Some additional topics related with behavior generation are: Behavior generation techniques for each modeling formalism. Cellier and Kofman (2006) is an excellent reference for behavior generation for continuous systems.

3. Behavior Processing includes:

Behavior analysis:

    - compression (statistical, numerical, qualitative)

    - confidence intervals

    - variance reduction

 Behavior display

    - visualization

   - animation

   - virtuality (virtual reality, augmented reality)

Behavior explanation (in intelligent simulation environments)