A JAR file is a file format that can be used to aggregate many files into one. Furthermore, a MANIFEST file can be used to specify the path of the class that contains the main method to be used at startup time. Here, the file manifest.mf contains the following entry: Main-Class: Run Further information about JAR files can be found here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jar/jar.html The command line option -m is used to specify the name of the manifest when creating an archive: jar -cvmf manifest.mf media.jar *.class *.java notes.txt Be careful, if the option -m comes before the -f then the manifest file must also come before the .jar file! jar -cvfm media.jar manifest.mf *.class *.java notes.txt Now, you can lauch the application as follows: java -jar media.jar or double click onto the jar file!