public class Test { private static boolean verbose=false; /** * This creates an enigma machine, given its characteristics. * * @param r1 is the type of rotor 1 (right rotor) * @param r2 is the type of rotor 2 (middle rotor) * @param r3 is the type of rotor 3 (left rotor) * @param refl is the type of the reflector * @param startPos1 is the start position of rotor 1 * @param startPos2 is the start position of rotor 1 * @param startPos3 is the start position of rotor 1 * @param stepping specifies if rotors step (true is the default position * and the only one that can matych the behaviour of the mentioned * emulator; setting stepping to false allows you to test the rotors * independently of your machine doing the stepping correctly. * @return an EnigmaMachine with the given characteristics */ public static EnigmaMachine buildEnigmaMachine(int r1, int r2, int r3, int refl, char startPos1, char startPos2, char startPos3,boolean stepping) { EnigmaMachine M3 = new EnigmaMachine( r1, r2, r3, refl, startPos1, startPos2, startPos3); if (stepping) M3.enableStepping(); else M3.disableStepping(); return M3; } /** * Tests an EnigmaMachine with a given plaintext. It first encodes the * plaintext into a cyphertext. Then it runs the cyphertext into the * enigma machine obtaining a decyphered text which is verified if it * matches with the original plaintext; the result of this verification * is returned. If in verbose mode, it prints the enigma machine before * and after encoding as well as the plaintext, cyphertext, decyphertext. * * @param M3 is an enigma machine * @param plainText is a plaintext * @return true if and only if M3 encodes and decodes compatibly * (i.e. M3 applied to result of M3 applied to plaintext equals plaintext) */ public static boolean testEnigmaMachine(EnigmaMachine M3, String plainText) { M3.resetRotorPositions(); if (verbose) System.out.println(M3); String cypherText=M3.encrypt(plainText); if (verbose) System.out.println(M3); M3.resetRotorPositions(); String decypherText=M3.encrypt(cypherText); boolean match=plainText.equals(decypherText); if (verbose) { if (match) System.out.println("Matching texts:"); else System.out.println("ERROR -unmatching texts:"); System.out.println(plainText+"\n"+cypherText+"\n"+decypherText); } return match; } // Some basic testing has been provided below. // A more complete testing will be used for marking. // Feel free to use this skeleton to test different functionality // of your classes, comparing to the output of the Enigma Machine // Emulator found at: // Our implementation does not use ring setting which is available // in the emulator; this means you must set "Ringstellung" to AAA // when using the Enigma Machine Emulator. // /** * Provides a basic set of testing for the EnigmaMachine class. * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { StudentInfo.display(); boolean allFine=true; verbose=true; boolean match; // verbose=false; remove this to disable verbose mode EnigmaMachine enigmaMachine; enigmaMachine= buildEnigmaMachine(3,2,1,1,'A','A','A',false); // This test tests rotors without stepping and reflector match=testEnigmaMachine(enigmaMachine,"AAAAA"); allFine = allFine && match; // This test tests rotors (with stepping) and reflector enigmaMachine.enableStepping(); enigmaMachine.setInitialRotorPositions('Z','A','A'); match=testEnigmaMachine(enigmaMachine,"AAAAA"); allFine = allFine && match; // This test tests now also tests the plugboard enigmaMachine.resetRotorPositions(); enigmaMachine.plug('A','B'); match=testEnigmaMachine(enigmaMachine,"AAAAA"); allFine = allFine && match; // This tests a different machine setting with different plugs enigmaMachine= new EnigmaMachine(4,3,5,2,'R','X','M'); enigmaMachine.enableStepping(); enigmaMachine.plug('A', 'B'); enigmaMachine.plug('E', 'R'); enigmaMachine.plug('H', 'C'); match=testEnigmaMachine(enigmaMachine,"ABCDE"); allFine = allFine && match; // This tests stepping more thoroughly for many long strings // turns verbose off verbose=false; System.out.println("\nTesting longer strings now...\n"); for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { char c= (char) ((int)'A'+(i%26)); // goes varying the letter // makes a string s with 10,000 letters equal to c String s=new String(""); for (int j=0; j<10000; j++) s+=c; enigmaMachine.resetRotorPositions(); match=testEnigmaMachine(enigmaMachine,s); allFine = allFine && match; if (!match) System.out.println("\nTest doesn't match for 10,000"+c+"'s\n"); else System.out.print("Ok for 10,000 "+c+"'s,"); } if (allFine) System.out.println("\n\nAll tests have compatible encode-decode!"); else System.out.println("\n\nAt least one test have incompatible encode-decode!"); } };