Assignment#1 Marking Guide by Hui Li. Part I: - In program style, I considered three issues: The detailed comment. ( some students had littele or almost no comment, I reduced 1 mark.) The variable names. ( some students used variable names like 'x', 'x1', etc. I reduced 1 mark.) The code indentation. (No body had problem in this criteria) - The programs having compiling error in my computer, were recompiled in the Lab computers to be sure. - Some programs did not have problem in compiling/running. However, for some cases no output was generated and for some other cases totally wrong output was obtained. In this case, I marked based on the code. - some students did correct opening/preparation, but the program only read from default file, and couldn't read from console, I reduced 2 marks in program 1 case, and reduced 1 mark in program 2 and program 3 case. - some students generated errors in string substitution in program 1, I redueced 3 to 6 marks based on the code. - some students generated errors or got totally wrong results in letters->byte conversion or bytes->letters conversion, I reduced 4 to 8 marks based on the code. - some students didn't correctly or even didn't handle the last encoded byte or the last byte with number, I reduced 2 to 4 marks for each case. Part II: - For the part 2.1, question 1 and 2, I reudeced 0.5 mark if the answer is wrong. question 3 and 4, I redueced 2 marks if the answer is totally wrong, but if students have several correct steps, I gave 0.5 to 1 mark accordingly. - For part 2.2, I gave at least 0.5 mark for each question if students have several correct steps, but wrong result.