// main.cpp #include "intstack.h" // my own header files delimited by "" // this alows this program to use class intstack // created by me int main() { intstack mystack(8); // creates a stack the can hold 8 ints int i=8; while (mystack.top() < mystack.size()) { // pushing as much as we can mystack.push(i); i++; } cout<<"After the while loop" << endl << endl; mystack.print(cout); // print its content to cout mystack.push(i); // trying extra push beyond the size (for testing) int a; a = mystack.pop(); // start poping a = mystack.pop(); mystack.print(cout); // print its content to cout cout << endl; for (int j=1; j<8; j++) { a= mystack.pop(); cout<<"pop# " << j+1 << " gave me: " <