========================================================================== CSI5311 -- Distributed Databases -- Winter 2018 Iluju Kiringa ++1-613-5625800x2123 kiringa@site.uottawa.ca Objectives The course will deal with both classical material and some of the advanced developments in the area of distributed database management systems. Classical topics covered include, but are not necessarily limited to: distributed DBMS architectures, distributed design, distributed query processing and optimization, and distributed transaction processing. More advanced and current topics include: data integration, peer data management, streaming data, and cloud computing. Prerequisites Required is a solid knowledge of relational database systems at the level of CSI3130. Also having taken a course on computer networks at the undergraduate level is desirable. Course Outline Introduction and Background Distributed Database Design Database Integration Semantic Data Control Distributed Query Processing Multidatabase Query Processing Distributed Transaction Management Data Replication Data Stream Management and Cloud Data Management Text book T. Ozsu and P. Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 3rd edition, Springer, 2011. Workload The course is based on a set of lectures on distributed databases. Students must read a research paper in groups of 2 participants and then do the following: - a 30-minutes presentation of the paper in class; - submit an independent, 8-10-page research paper building on the ideas contained in the paper they have presented. The 30-minutes presentation sessions will be scheduled in the first month of the course. Papers for presentation will focus on streaming data and cloud data management. Active class participation is required. The research paper counts for 40%, the presentation for 20%, and a problem set (including a take home exam of 20%) for the remaining 40%. To pass the course, one must obtain at least 50% on the problem set and at least 70% on the research paper.