Marking scheme for the midterm ------------------------------ Hello all, Below are some guide lines I used in marking the midterm. Question 1 (30 points) ----------------------- - For each missing aggegation take off 3 points. - For missing weak entity I take off 3 points. - For each missing key constraint take off 1 points. - For each missing total participation take off 1 points. - For each missing entity set take off 2 point. - For each missing relationship set take off 1 points. - For each missing indication of key attribute take off 1 point. - For each missing indication of partial key attribute take off 1 point. Remark: 1) I don't take off any mark for missing attributes of entities. 2) Students may have different, but correct diagrams or tables, in which case they receive full marks. Question 2 (20 points) ----------------------- - For each missing table, take off 5 points. - For missing constraint take off 2 points. - For bad primary (that do not render the idea of ER key constraint) take off 2 points - For missing NOT NULL constraint to capture ER total participation take off 2 points - For each missing attribute, take off 1 ponit. Questions 3 and 4 (30 points) ----------------------------- This is like in the marking scheme for Assignment 1. In general, I do the following: - I give 1/2 of the marks if at least half of the solution is there. - Whenever I see that the student has the right idea but the syntax is slightly wrong, I give full marks. - I am leniant on the SQL syntax. - For each missing element (attribute, table name, join etc) I take off 1 point, except for missing table (in the FROM clause) where I take off 2 points. - If you add unnecessary tables in joins, I take off 1 point. - Each missing clause in SQL costs you 1 point. Question 5 ---------- In case of hesitation, I give you the benefit of dought.