REVISION ------------ Chapters 1 and 2 -- OVERVIEW OF DATABASE SYSTEMS and INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE DESIGN Sections: Chap. 1: All Chap. 2: 2.1 -- 2.5 Chapters 3 and 4 -- THE RELATIONAL MODEL, RELATIONAL ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS Sections: Chap. 3: 3.1 -- 3.5; 3.7 Chap. 4: 4.1 -- 4.2; 4.3.2 Chapter 5 -- SQL: QUERIES, CONSTRAINTS, TRIGGERS Sections: Chap. 5: 5.1 -- 5.5; 5.7 Chapter 8 and selected sections of Chapters 9, 10, and 11 -- STORAGE AND INDEXING Sections: Chap. 8: 8.1 -- 8.3; 8.4 (Mostly 8.4.1 & 8.4.7) Chap. 9: 9.1 -- 9.7 Chap. 10: 10.1 -- 10.3; 10.4 -- 10.6 (Mostly knopwing how to insert and delete) 10.8.2 Chap. 11: 11.1 -- 11.2 Chapter 12 and selected sections of Chapters 13, and 14-- QUERY EVALUATION Sections: Chap. 12: All Chap. 13: 13.1 -- 13.4 Chap. 14: 14.4.2 -- 14.4.2 Chapter 16 and selected sections of Chapters 17, and 18 -- TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT Sections: Sections: Chap. 16: All Chap. 17: 17.1 -- 17.4; 17.6.1 -- 17.6.2 Chapter 19 -- SCHEMA REFINEMENT AND NORMAL FORMS Sections: TBA