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This C++ program evolves the parse tree of a function that emulates a function defined from and to the real number interval [-1,1].

The function to be emulated can be anything (I've only included 9 examples in the application itself). The emulating function is a combinations of only the operations {+,-,*,/} (protected against division by 0) and of the constants {-1,0.25,1,2}

The implementation is in C++, and the program uses OpenGL to draw the functions.


1. After opening the application, choose a function to approximate by selecting from the "Choose a Function" menu item
2. By default, the number of generation is set at 100. You can manually edit it if you want. Usually the higher the degree of the function (number of local max/mins), the longer it will take to approximate it.
3. The red lineis the function that is being approximated. The blue line is the best approximation so far.

The SymbolicRegresser download: (Includes Code)

Franck J.L. Binard

School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE)
University of Ottawa
800 King Edward Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5
Tel: (613) 562-5800 x6727, Fax: (613) 562-5664
Office: 4-035 SITE
Email: fbinard@site.uottawa.ca
Contactez: L'École d'ingénierie et de technologie de l'information
Contact: School of Information Technology and Engineering
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