#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 #modified January 25 2005 # -Added functionality to construtor package NeuronFacFile; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Simple; use File::Find; ################################################## ## the object constructor ## ################################################## sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = { FileId => undef, ReadingPath => undef, WritingPath => undef, CreationDate => undef, LastUpdateDate => undef, Size => undef, FileType => undef, UserEditable => undef, WebSiteId => undef, Content => undef, ErrString => undef }; if(@_){ $self->{ReadingPath} = shift; } bless($self, $class); return $self; } sub readTableRow{ my $self = shift; my $ref = shift; for (keys %$ref) {$self->{$_} = $ref->{$_}} } sub isLocal{ my $self = shift; my $File = $self->{ReadingPath}; if (($File)&&(-f $File)){1;}else {0;} } sub fileName{ my $self = shift; my $FileName = $self->{ReadingPath}; if ($FileName){ $FileName =~ s/^.*\/(.*?)\..*$/$1/; $FileName =~ s/_/ /g; } return $FileName; } sub getLocalContent{ my $self = shift; my $File = $self->{ReadingPath}; open(INPUT,"<$File"); undef $/; my $content = ; close INPUT; $/ = "\n"; #Restore for normal behaviour later in script return $content; } sub getContent(){ my $self = shift; my $path = $self->{ReadingPath}; my $content; if($self->isLocal()){$content=$self->getLocalContent();} else{$content = get($path);} $self->{ErrString} = "\n
Exception at NeuronFacFile:getContent(), unable 2 get " .$self->{ReadingPath} unless ($content); $self->{Content} = $content unless ($content); return $content; } sub toString{ my $self = shift; my $delimiter = ','; if (@_) {$delimiter = shift;} my $outString =<$self->{FileId} $delimiter ReadingPath => $self->{ReadingPath} $delimiter WritingPath => $self->{WritingPath} $delimiter CreationDate => $self->{CreationDate} $delimiter LastUpdateDate => $self->{LastUpdateDate} $delimiter Size => $self->{Size} $delimiter FileType => $self->{FileType} $delimiter UserEditable => $self->{UserEditable} $delimiter WebSiteId => $self->{WebSiteId} TOTHERE } 1;