%Chapter 5, Example 5.1, Fig 5.1 %Eric Dubois, updated 2018-11-16 %Plot figure for example of continuous domain periodic rect function %Required functions: Lattice_Points_2d, ds2nfu by Michelle Hirsch clear all close all %Sampling matrix and extent for periodicity lattice VG = [1 0; 0 1]; UL = [-1.5 -1.5]'; LR = [1.5 1.5]'; %get the points of the lattice in the desired region xoutG = Lattice_Points_2d(VG,UL,LR); %create the plot figure %plot the points points = plot(xoutG(:,1),xoutG(:,2),'k.'); points(1).MarkerSize= 9; axis equal axis off set(gca,'ydir','reverse'); %set region xlim([-1.4, 1.4]); ylim([-1.2, 1.2]); hold on %plot the rect at each of the points of Gamma rect= polyshape([.25 -.25 -.25 .25],[.25 .25 -.25 -.25]); nptG = size(xoutG,1); for rpt = 1:nptG rectT = translate(rect,xoutG(rpt,:)); plot(rectT,'Facecolor','white','EdgeColor','black'); end; %create the axes text(1.4,-0.08,'\itx','FontName','times') text(-0.15, 1.2, '\ity','FontName','times') %x axis from -1.1 to 1.1 [xaxx,xaxy] = ds2nfu([-1.2 1.4], [0 0]); annotation('arrow',xaxx,xaxy,'headlength',5,'headwidth',5); %y axis from -1.2 to 1.2 [yaxx,yaxy] = ds2nfu([0.0 0.0],[1.2 -1.2]); annotation('arrow',yaxx,yaxy,'headlength',5,'headwidth',5); %Label axes text(.97,.09,'\itZ','FontName','times'); text(-1.04,.09,'-\itZ','FontName','times'); text(.05,1.0,'\itZ','FontName','times'); text(.05,-1.0,'-\itZ','FontName','times'); strA = '$$A/2$$'; text(.27,.09,strA,'Interpreter','latex'); text(.03,.32,strA,'Interpreter','latex'); %Label signal values text(-.5, -.5, '0','FontName','times'); for rpt = 1:nptG text(xoutG(rpt,1)-.15,xoutG(rpt,2)-.15,'1','FontName','times'); end; set(gca,'fontname','times') %set the plot font to times set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]);