%Program to synthesize a named color with red, green and blue circles. %Set the frame size H = 500; W = 500; close all %Get the color name colorName = input('What is the color name? ','s'); frameRed = repmat(uint8(0),H,W); frameGreen = frameRed; frameBlue = frameRed; slate = cat(3,frameRed, frameGreen, frameBlue); colfig = figure('Menubar','none','Name','Colour mixing','NumberTitle','off','Position',[362 87 550 550]); imshow(slate) hold on title(colorName) %generate the color circles %prototype circle radius2 = 100^2; circle = zeros(201,201); [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:201); cen = [101 101]; rad = (X-cen(1)).^2 + (Y-cen(2)).^2; circle((rad