Emotion Analysis as a Means of Categorizing Content Emotion and Mood are an inseparable part of everyday life. However, typical internet search and discovery are focused mainly on topical and semantic aspects of web content. The talk will present MoodBase a unique web portal which delivers aggregated content based on the reaction it elicits rather than the content per se. MoodBase segments and displays content by emotional categories (e.g., funny, amazing, weird or romantic) as opposed to common topical categorization classes (e.g., news, sports, finance, etc.). Moodbase collects content available on the web, focusing on communities and social media sites that have user generated comments and discussions. The user reactions are then analyzed to infer how people reacted to the subject, what emotions where raised, and basically, what mood did the content put the readers in. I will describe the research done and the methods used to detect emotion in texts focusing on the analysis of social media and user generated commentary. I will also review related work, present several interesting insights and pose new challenges.