--Goal oriented Pattern Family Framework for Business Process Modeling / Saeed Ahmadi Behnam --Modify the PATH in the following to point ot metamodle (e.g., C:/USE_OCL/GoPF_FMM ) reset open PATH !create p1 : Pattern !set p1.name := 'IncreasePatientSafetyPattern' !insert (pf,p1) into hasPattern !create g1 : GoalModelBB !insert (p1,g1) into hasGMBB !set g1.name := 'IncreasePatientSafetyGoalModelBB' !create I : Intention !create C : Intention !create G : Intention !create M : Intention !create A : Intention --Modification !create T2 : Intention --End of Modification !set I.name := 'IncreasePatientSafety' !set I.leaf := false !set I.mainGoal := true !set C.name := 'CollectData' !set C.leaf := true !set C.mainGoal := false !set G.name := 'GenerateInformativeOI' !set G.leaf := true !set G.mainGoal := false !set M.name := 'MakeDecision' !set M.leaf := true !set M.mainGoal := false !set A.name := 'ApplyKnowledge' !set A.leaf := true !set A.mainGoal := false --Modification !set A.name := 'TakeAction' !set A.leaf := true !set A.mainGoal := false --End of Modification !insert (g1,I) into hasIntention !insert (g1,C) into hasIntention !insert (g1,G) into hasIntention !insert (g1,M) into hasIntention !insert (g1,A) into hasIntention --Modification !insert (g1,T2) into hasIntention --End of Modification !create bs1_1 : BusinessStrategy !create bs1_2 : BusinessStrategy --Modification !create bs1_3 : BusinessStrategy --End of Modification !set bs1_1.name := 'BasicImprovement' !set bs1_2.name := 'AdvancedImprovement' --Modification !set bs1_3.name := 'AdvancedWithImmediateAction' --End of Modification !insert (p1,bs1_1) into hasBizStrategy !insert (p1,bs1_2) into hasBizStrategy --Modification !insert (p1,bs1_3) into hasBizStrategy --End of Modification !create s1_1 : EvaluationStrategy !create s1_2 : EvaluationStrategy --Modification !create s1_3 : EvaluationStrategy --End of Modification !set s1_1.name := 'BasicImprovement' !set s1_2.name := 'AdvancedImprovement' --Modification !set s1_3.name := 'AdvancedWithImmediateAction' --End of Modification !insert (bs1_1,s1_1) into hasEvalStrategy !insert (bs1_2,s1_2) into hasEvalStrategy --Modification !insert (bs1_3,s1_3) into hasEvalStrategy --End of Modification !create bpt1_1 : BusinessProcessBB !create bpt1_2 : BusinessProcessBB --Modification !create bpt1_3 : BusinessProcessBB --End of Modification !set bpt1_1.name := 'BasicImprovement' !set bpt1_2.name := 'AdvancedImprovement' --Modification !set bpt1_3.name := 'AdvancedWithImmediateAction' --End of Modification !insert (bs1_1,bpt1_1) into hasBPBB !insert (bs1_2,bpt1_2) into hasBPBB --Modification !insert (bs1_3,bpt1_3) into hasBPBB --End of Modification -- elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates !create CPs1_1 : ProcessElement !create GPs1_1 : ProcessElement !set CPs1_1.name := 'CollectingData' !set GPs1_1.name := 'GeneratingInformativeOI' !insert (bpt1_1,CPs1_1) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_1,GPs1_1) into hasPE !create CPs1_2 : ProcessElement !create GPs1_2 : ProcessElement !create MPs1_2 : ProcessElement !create APs1_2 : ProcessElement !set CPs1_2.name := 'CollectingData' !set GPs1_2.name := 'GeneratingInformativeOI' !set MPs1_2.name := 'MakingDecision' !set APs1_2.name := 'ApplyingKnowledge' !insert (bpt1_2,CPs1_2) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_2,GPs1_2) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_2,MPs1_2) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_2,APs1_2) into hasPE --Modification !create CPs1_3 : ProcessElement !create GPs1_3 : ProcessElement !create MPs1_3 : ProcessElement !create APs1_3 : ProcessElement !create T2Ps1_3 : ProcessElement !set CPs1_3.name := 'CollectingData' !set GPs1_3.name := 'GeneratingInformativeOI' !set MPs1_3.name := 'MakingDecision' !set APs1_3.name := 'ApplyingKnowledge' !set T2Ps1_3.name := 'TakingAction' !insert (bpt1_3,CPs1_3) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_3,GPs1_3) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_3,MPs1_3) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_3,APs1_3) into hasPE !insert (bpt1_3,T2Ps1_3) into hasPE --End of Modification -- Intention Realization !insert (C,CPs1_1) into realized !insert (G,GPs1_1) into realized !insert (C,CPs1_2) into realized !insert (G,GPs1_2) into realized !insert (M,MPs1_2) into realized !insert (A,APs1_2) into realized --Modification !insert (C,CPs1_3) into realized !insert (G,GPs1_3) into realized !insert (M,MPs1_3) into realized !insert (A,APs1_3) into realized !insert (T2,T2Ps1_3) into realized --End of Modification