package sample; import java.util.LinkedList; import FMM.BusinessProcessBuildingBlock; import FMM.BusinessStrategy; import FMM.ElementLink; import FMM.PF; import FMM.GoalModelBuildingBlock; import FMM.Intention; import FMM.Pattern; import FMM.ProcessElement; import FMM.EvaluationStrategy; import algorithms.Action; import algorithms.Modification; import algorithms.XMLutility; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; public class ExamplesInputs { private static PF pfExtentionEx2; private static PF pfEliminationEx1; public static Pattern extensionEx1In2() { Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g1 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Increase Patient Safety Goal Template"); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Imporvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Imporvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Imporvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced Imporvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Imporvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced Imporvement"); ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying knowledge"); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; //create links for p1 (maybe links are not needed for this example) CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; g1.add(I); g1.add(C); g1.add(G); g1.add(M); g1.add(A); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; = s1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; = s1_2; p1.GT = g1; p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); return p1; } public static LinkedList extensionEx1In3() { LinkedList modifications = new LinkedList(); return modifications; } public static PF extensionEx2In1() { /********************************************************* the following is the old working version**************************************************** ****************************************************************all patterns are together************************************************************* ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** GPF pf = new GPF("Healthcare Pattern Family"); Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); Pattern p2 = new Pattern("Data Collection"); Pattern p3 = new Pattern("Outcome Data Collection"); GoalTemplate gt1 = new GoalTemplate("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalTemplate gt2 = new GoalTemplate("Data Collection"); GoalTemplate gt3 = new GoalTemplate("Outcome Data Collection"); p1.add(gt1); p2.add(gt2); p3.add(gt3); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; Intention C2 = new Intention("Collect Data"); C2.leaf = false; C2.mainGoal = true; Intention O = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O.leaf = true; O.mainGoal = false; Intention P = new Intention("Collect Process Data"); P.leaf = true; P.mainGoal = false; Intention O2 = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O2.leaf = false; O2.mainGoal = true; Intention L = new Intention("Look for Outcome Data"); L.leaf = true; L.mainGoal = false; Intention N = new Intention("Analyse Data Observation"); N.leaf = true; N.mainGoal = false; Intention R = new Intention("Record Outcome Data"); R.leaf = true; R.mainGoal = false; gt1.add(I); gt1.add(C); gt1.add(G); gt1.add(M); gt1.add(A); gt2.add(C2); gt2.add(O); gt2.add(P); gt3.add(O2); gt3.add(L); gt3.add(N); gt3.add(R); ElementLink l1_1 = new ElementLink(C,I,"CtoI"); ElementLink l1_2 = new ElementLink(G,I,"GtoI"); ElementLink l1_3 = new ElementLink(M,I,"MtoI"); ElementLink l1_4 = new ElementLink(A,I,"AtoI"); ElementLink l2_1 = new ElementLink(O,C2,"OtoC2"); ElementLink l2_2 = new ElementLink(P,C2,"PtoC2"); ElementLink l3_1 = new ElementLink(L,O2,"LtoO2"); ElementLink l3_2 = new ElementLink(N,O2,"NtoO2"); ElementLink l3_3 = new ElementLink(R,O2,"RtoO2"); gt1.add(l1_1); gt1.add(l1_2); gt1.add(l1_3); gt1.add(l1_4); gt2.add(l2_1); gt2.add(l2_2); gt3.add(l3_1); gt3.add(l3_2); gt3.add(l3_3); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs2_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Outcome"); BusinessStrategy bs2_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Process"); BusinessStrategy bs2_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Complete Collection"); BusinessStrategy bs3_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Recoding"); BusinessStrategy bs3_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Preprocessed Recording"); p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); p2.add(bs2_1); p2.add(bs2_2); p2.add(bs2_3); p3.add(bs3_1); p3.add(bs3_2); Strategy s1_1 = new Strategy("Basic Improvement"); Strategy s1_2 = new Strategy("Advanced Improvement"); Strategy s2_1 = new Strategy("Basic Outcome"); Strategy s2_2 = new Strategy("Basic Process"); Strategy s2_3 = new Strategy("Complete Collection"); Strategy s3_1 = new Strategy("Basic Recoding"); Strategy s3_2 = new Strategy("Preprocessed Recording"); = s1_1; = s1_2; = s2_1; = s2_2; = s2_3; = s3_1; = s3_2; BusinessProcessTemplate bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Basic Improvement"); BusinessProcessTemplate bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessProcessTemplate bpt2_1 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Basic Outcome"); BusinessProcessTemplate bpt2_2 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Basic Process"); BusinessProcessTemplate bpt2_3 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Complete Collection"); BusinessProcessTemplate bpt3_1 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Basic Recoding"); BusinessProcessTemplate bpt3_2 = new BusinessProcessTemplate("Preprocessed Recording"); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; bs2_1.bpt = bpt2_1; bs2_2.bpt = bpt2_2; bs2_3.bpt = bpt2_3; bs3_1.bpt = bpt3_1; bs3_2.bpt = bpt3_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); bpt1_1.add(CPs1_1); bpt1_1.add(GPs1_1); ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); bpt1_2.add(CPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(GPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(MPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(APs1_2); ProcessElement OPs2_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); bpt2_1.add(OPs2_1); ProcessElement PPs2_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_2.add(PPs2_2); ProcessElement OPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); ProcessElement PPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_3.add(OPs2_3); bpt2_3.add(PPs2_3); ProcessElement LPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Outcome"); ProcessElement RPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Recording Outcome"); bpt3_1.add(LPs3_1); bpt3_1.add(RPs3_1); ProcessElement LPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Outcome"); ProcessElement NPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Analysing Observation"); ProcessElement RPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Recording Outcome"); bpt3_2.add(LPs3_2); bpt3_2.add(NPs3_2); bpt3_2.add(RPs3_2); // Intention Realization CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; OPs2_1.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_2.realizingIntention = P; OPs2_3.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_3.realizingIntention = P; LPs3_1.realizingIntention = L; RPs3_1.realizingIntention = R; LPs3_2.realizingIntention = L; NPs3_2.realizingIntention = N; RPs3_2.realizingIntention = R; // Intention Pattern Linking C.patternDef = p2; O.patternDef = p3; pf.insert(p3); pf.insert(p2); pf.insert(p1); pfExtentionEx2 = pf; return pf; *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** **********************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /********************************* ***P1: Increase Patient Safety*** ********************************/ Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt1 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Increase Patient Safety"); p1.add(gt1); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; gt1.add(I); gt1.add(C); gt1.add(G); gt1.add(M); gt1.add(A); ElementLink l1_1 = new ElementLink(C,I,"CtoI"); ElementLink l1_2 = new ElementLink(G,I,"GtoI"); ElementLink l1_3 = new ElementLink(M,I,"MtoI"); ElementLink l1_4 = new ElementLink(A,I,"AtoI"); gt1.add(l1_1); gt1.add(l1_2); gt1.add(l1_3); gt1.add(l1_4); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); EvaluationStrategy s1_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); = s1_1; = s1_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced Improvement"); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); bpt1_1.add(CPs1_1); bpt1_1.add(GPs1_1); ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); bpt1_2.add(CPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(GPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(MPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(APs1_2); // Intention Realization CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; /********************************* *****P2:Data Collection ********* ********************************/ Pattern p2 = new Pattern("Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt2 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Data Collection"); p2.add(gt2); Intention C2 = new Intention("Collect Data"); C2.leaf = false; C2.mainGoal = true; Intention O = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O.leaf = true; O.mainGoal = false; Intention P = new Intention("Collect Process Data"); P.leaf = true; P.mainGoal = false; gt2.add(C2); gt2.add(O); gt2.add(P); ElementLink l2_1 = new ElementLink(O,C2,"OtoC2"); ElementLink l2_2 = new ElementLink(P,C2,"PtoC2"); gt2.add(l2_1); gt2.add(l2_2); BusinessStrategy bs2_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Outcome"); BusinessStrategy bs2_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Process"); BusinessStrategy bs2_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Complete Collection"); p2.add(bs2_1); p2.add(bs2_2); p2.add(bs2_3); EvaluationStrategy s2_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Outcome"); EvaluationStrategy s2_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Process"); EvaluationStrategy s2_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Complete Collection"); = s2_1; = s2_2; = s2_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Outcome"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Process"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Complete Collection"); bs2_1.bpt = bpt2_1; bs2_2.bpt = bpt2_2; bs2_3.bpt = bpt2_3; ProcessElement OPs2_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); bpt2_1.add(OPs2_1); ProcessElement PPs2_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_2.add(PPs2_2); ProcessElement OPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); ProcessElement PPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_3.add(OPs2_3); bpt2_3.add(PPs2_3); OPs2_1.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_2.realizingIntention = P; OPs2_3.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_3.realizingIntention = P; /********************************* ****P3: Outcome Data Collection** ********************************/ Pattern p3 = new Pattern("Outcome Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt3 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Outcome Data Collection"); p3.add(gt3); Intention O2 = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O2.leaf = false; O2.mainGoal = true; Intention L = new Intention("Look for Outcome Data"); L.leaf = true; L.mainGoal = false; Intention N = new Intention("Analyse Data Observation"); N.leaf = true; N.mainGoal = false; Intention R = new Intention("Record Outcome Data"); R.leaf = true; R.mainGoal = false; gt3.add(O2); gt3.add(L); gt3.add(N); gt3.add(R); ElementLink l3_1 = new ElementLink(L,O2,"LtoO2"); ElementLink l3_2 = new ElementLink(N,O2,"NtoO2"); ElementLink l3_3 = new ElementLink(R,O2,"RtoO2"); gt3.add(l3_1); gt3.add(l3_2); gt3.add(l3_3); BusinessStrategy bs3_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Recoding"); BusinessStrategy bs3_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Preprocessed Recording"); p3.add(bs3_1); p3.add(bs3_2); EvaluationStrategy s3_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Recoding"); EvaluationStrategy s3_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Preprocessed Recording"); = s3_1; = s3_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Recoding"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Preprocessed Recording"); bs3_1.bpt = bpt3_1; bs3_2.bpt = bpt3_2; ProcessElement LPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Outcome"); ProcessElement RPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Recording Outcome"); bpt3_1.add(LPs3_1); bpt3_1.add(RPs3_1); ProcessElement LPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Outcome"); ProcessElement NPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Analysing Observation"); ProcessElement RPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Recording Outcome"); bpt3_2.add(LPs3_2); bpt3_2.add(NPs3_2); bpt3_2.add(RPs3_2); LPs3_1.realizingIntention = L; RPs3_1.realizingIntention = R; LPs3_2.realizingIntention = L; NPs3_2.realizingIntention = N; RPs3_2.realizingIntention = R; //create GPF PF pf = new PF("Healthcare Pattern Family"); // patternDef Configurations C.patternDef = p2; O.patternDef = p3; pf.insert(p3); pf.insert(p2); pf.insert(p1); pfExtentionEx2 = pf; return pf; } public static Pattern extensionEx2In2() { Pattern xp = new Pattern("Action Taking"); GoalModelBuildingBlock xg = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Action Taking"); Intention T = new Intention("Take Action"); Intention Z = new Intention("Prioritize Outcomes"); Intention V = new Intention("Prevent Outcome"); T.leaf = false; T.mainGoal = true; Z.leaf = true; Z.mainGoal = false; V.leaf = true; V.mainGoal = false; xg.add(T); xg.add(Z); xg.add(V); ElementLink xl1_1 = new ElementLink(Z,T,"ZtoT"); ElementLink xl1_2 = new ElementLink(V,T,"VtoT"); xg.add(xl1_1); xg.add(xl1_2); xp.GT = xg; BusinessStrategy bs4_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessStrategy bs4_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); xp.add(bs4_1); xp.add(bs4_2); EvaluationStrategy s4_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); EvaluationStrategy s4_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); = s4_1; = s4_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Prioritized Prevention"); bs4_1.bpt = bpt4_1; bs4_2.bpt = bpt4_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement VPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt4_1.add(VPs4_1); ProcessElement ZPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Prioritize Outcomes"); ProcessElement VPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt4_2.add(ZPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(VPs4_2); VPs4_1.realizingIntention = V; ZPs4_2.realizingIntention = Z; VPs4_2.realizingIntention = V; return xp; } public static LinkedList extensionEx2In3() { LinkedList modifications = new LinkedList(); //find the pattern that must be modified Pattern patternToBeModified = null; for (Pattern p : pfExtentionEx2.patternCollection()) { if ("Increase Patient Safety")) { patternToBeModified = p; break; } } //create the link to be added Intention ICopy = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); Intention T2 = new Intention("Take Action"); ElementLink l = new ElementLink(T2, ICopy, "T2toI"); //because there no old business strategy exist, we don't create oldbst //create the new business startegy to be added to pattern BusinessStrategy newbst = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock newbpt = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced With Immediate Action"); EvaluationStrategy newst = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); ProcessElement CPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); ProcessElement T2Ps1_3 = new ProcessElement("Taking Action"); CPs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Collect Data"); GPs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); MPs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); APs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); T2Ps1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Take Action"); newbpt.add(CPs1_3); newbpt.add(GPs1_3); newbpt.add(MPs1_3); newbpt.add(APs1_3); newbpt.add(T2Ps1_3); newbst.bpt = newbpt; = newst; //create modifications set Modification m = new Modification(patternToBeModified,l,Action.Add,newbst,null); modifications.add(m); return modifications; } public static PF eliminationEx1In1() { XStream xstream = new XStream(); PF inputPF = XMLutility.deserializeGPFfromXMLfile(xstream, "C:\\PATH\\elmEx1\\eliminationEx1In1.xml"); pfEliminationEx1 = inputPF; return inputPF; } public static Pattern eliminationEx1In2() { Pattern obsoletePattern = null; XStream xstream = new XStream(); //alternative 1 : import obsolete pattern obsoletePattern = XMLutility.deserializePatternfromXML(xstream, "C:\\PATH\\elmEx1\\eliminationEx1In2.xml"); return obsoletePattern; } public static LinkedList eliminationEx1In3() { LinkedList modifications = new LinkedList(); //find the pattern that must be modified Pattern patternToBeModified = null; for (Pattern p : pfEliminationEx1.patternCollection()) { if ("Increase Patient Safety")) { patternToBeModified = p; break; } } //the link that must be delete Intention ICopy = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); Intention T2 = new Intention("Take Action"); ElementLink l = new ElementLink(T2, ICopy, "T2toI"); //because there no new business strategy to be added, we don't create newbst //create the old business startegy to be removed from pattern BusinessStrategy oldbst = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock oldbpt = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced With Immediate Action"); EvaluationStrategy oldst = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); ProcessElement CPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); ProcessElement T2Ps1_3 = new ProcessElement("Taking Action"); CPs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Collect Data"); GPs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); MPs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); APs1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); T2Ps1_3.realizingIntention = new Intention("Take Action"); oldbpt.add(CPs1_3); oldbpt.add(GPs1_3); oldbpt.add(MPs1_3); oldbpt.add(APs1_3); oldbpt.add(T2Ps1_3); oldbst.bpt = oldbpt; = oldst; //create modifications set Modification m = new Modification(patternToBeModified,l,Action.Delete,null,oldbst); modifications.add(m); return modifications; } public static void eliminationEx1In2CreateXML() { // this method create the XML file that is consumed in the eleminationEx1In2 Pattern op = new Pattern("Action Taking"); GoalModelBuildingBlock og = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Action Taking"); Intention T = new Intention("Take Action"); Intention Z = new Intention("Prioritize Outcomes"); Intention V = new Intention("Prevent Outcome"); T.leaf = false; T.mainGoal = true; Z.leaf = true; Z.mainGoal = false; V.leaf = true; V.mainGoal = false; og.add(T); og.add(Z); og.add(V); ElementLink ol1_1 = new ElementLink(Z,T,"ZtoT"); ElementLink ol1_2 = new ElementLink(V,T,"VtoT"); og.add(ol1_1); og.add(ol1_2); op.GT = og; BusinessStrategy bs4_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessStrategy bs4_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); op.add(bs4_1); op.add(bs4_2); EvaluationStrategy s4_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); EvaluationStrategy s4_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); = s4_1; = s4_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Prioritized Prevention"); bs4_1.bpt = bpt4_1; bs4_2.bpt = bpt4_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement VPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt4_1.add(VPs4_1); ProcessElement ZPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Prioritize Outcomes"); ProcessElement VPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt4_2.add(ZPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(VPs4_2); VPs4_1.realizingIntention = V; ZPs4_2.realizingIntention = Z; VPs4_2.realizingIntention = V; //create xml file for the obsolete pattern XStream xstream = new XStream(); XMLutility.serializePatterntoXMLfile(op, xstream, "C:\\PATH\\elmEx1\\eliminationEx1In2.xml"); } public static PF combinationEx1In1() { XStream xstream = new XStream(); PF inputPF1 = XMLutility.deserializeGPFfromXMLfile(xstream, "C:\\PATH\\cmbEx1\\combinationEx1In1.xml"); //pfCombinationEx1 = inputPF; //do I need this? I don't think so return inputPF1; } public static PF combinationEx1In2() { XStream xstream = new XStream(); PF inputPF2 = XMLutility.deserializeGPFfromXMLfile(xstream, "C:\\PATH\\cmbEx1\\combinationEx1In2.xml"); //pfCombinationEx1 = inputPF; //do I need this? I don't think so return inputPF2; } public static Pattern combinationEx1In3() { /********************************* ***P1: Increase Patient Safety*** ********************************/ Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt1 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Increase Patient Safety"); p1.add(gt1); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; Intention T = new Intention("Take Action"); T.leaf = true; T.mainGoal = false; gt1.add(I); gt1.add(C); gt1.add(G); gt1.add(M); gt1.add(A); gt1.add(T); ElementLink l1_1 = new ElementLink(C,I,"CtoI"); ElementLink l1_2 = new ElementLink(G,I,"GtoI"); ElementLink l1_3 = new ElementLink(M,I,"MtoI"); ElementLink l1_4 = new ElementLink(A,I,"AtoI"); ElementLink l1_5 = new ElementLink(T,I,"TtoI"); gt1.add(l1_1); gt1.add(l1_2); gt1.add(l1_3); gt1.add(l1_4); gt1.add(l1_5); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); p1.add(bs1_3); EvaluationStrategy s1_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); = s1_1; = s1_2; = s1_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced With Immediate Action"); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; bs1_3.bpt = bpt1_3; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); bpt1_1.add(CPs1_1); bpt1_1.add(GPs1_1); CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); bpt1_2.add(CPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(GPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(MPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(APs1_2); CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; ProcessElement CPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); ProcessElement TPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Taking Action"); CPs1_3.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_3.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_3.realizingIntention = M; APs1_3.realizingIntention = A; TPs1_3.realizingIntention = T; bpt1_3.add(CPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(GPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(MPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(APs1_3); bpt1_3.add(TPs1_3); return p1; } public static void combincationEx1In1CreateXML() { /********************************* ***P1: Increase Patient Safety*** ********************************/ Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt1 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Increase Patient Safety"); p1.add(gt1); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; Intention T = new Intention("Take Action"); T.leaf = true; T.mainGoal = false; gt1.add(I); gt1.add(C); gt1.add(G); gt1.add(M); gt1.add(A); gt1.add(T); ElementLink l1_1 = new ElementLink(C,I,"CtoI"); ElementLink l1_2 = new ElementLink(G,I,"GtoI"); ElementLink l1_3 = new ElementLink(M,I,"MtoI"); ElementLink l1_4 = new ElementLink(A,I,"AtoI"); ElementLink l1_5 = new ElementLink(T,I,"TtoI"); gt1.add(l1_1); gt1.add(l1_2); gt1.add(l1_3); gt1.add(l1_4); gt1.add(l1_5); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); p1.add(bs1_3); EvaluationStrategy s1_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); = s1_1; = s1_2; = s1_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced With Immediate Action"); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; bs1_3.bpt = bpt1_3; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); bpt1_1.add(CPs1_1); bpt1_1.add(GPs1_1); CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); bpt1_2.add(CPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(GPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(MPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(APs1_2); CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; ProcessElement CPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); ProcessElement TPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Taking Action"); CPs1_3.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_3.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_3.realizingIntention = M; APs1_3.realizingIntention = A; TPs1_3.realizingIntention = T; bpt1_3.add(CPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(GPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(MPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(APs1_3); bpt1_3.add(TPs1_3); /********************************* *****P2:Data Collection ********* ********************************/ Pattern p2 = new Pattern("Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt2 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Data Collection"); p2.add(gt2); Intention C2 = new Intention("Collect Data"); C2.leaf = false; C2.mainGoal = true; Intention O = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O.leaf = true; O.mainGoal = false; Intention P = new Intention("Collect Process Data"); P.leaf = true; P.mainGoal = false; gt2.add(C2); gt2.add(O); gt2.add(P); ElementLink l2_1 = new ElementLink(O,C2,"OtoC2"); ElementLink l2_2 = new ElementLink(P,C2,"PtoC2"); gt2.add(l2_1); gt2.add(l2_2); BusinessStrategy bs2_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Outcome"); BusinessStrategy bs2_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Process"); BusinessStrategy bs2_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Complete Collection"); p2.add(bs2_1); p2.add(bs2_2); p2.add(bs2_3); EvaluationStrategy s2_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Outcome"); EvaluationStrategy s2_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Process"); EvaluationStrategy s2_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Complete Collection"); = s2_1; = s2_2; = s2_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Outcome"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Process"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Complete Collection"); bs2_1.bpt = bpt2_1; bs2_2.bpt = bpt2_2; bs2_3.bpt = bpt2_3; ProcessElement OPs2_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); bpt2_1.add(OPs2_1); OPs2_1.realizingIntention = O; ProcessElement PPs2_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_2.add(PPs2_2); PPs2_2.realizingIntention = P; ProcessElement OPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); ProcessElement PPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_3.add(OPs2_3); bpt2_3.add(PPs2_3); OPs2_3.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_3.realizingIntention = P; /********************************* *****P3: Information Generation** ********************************/ Pattern p3 = new Pattern("Information Generation"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt3 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Information Generation"); p3.add(gt3); Intention G2 = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G2.leaf = false; G2.mainGoal = true; Intention AOD = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Data"); AOD.leaf = true; AOD.mainGoal = false; Intention GEO = new Intention("Generate Expert Opinion"); GEO.leaf = true; GEO.mainGoal = false; gt3.add(G2); gt3.add(AOD); gt3.add(GEO); ElementLink l3_1 = new ElementLink(AOD,G2,"AODtoG2"); ElementLink l3_2 = new ElementLink(GEO,G2,"GEOtoG2"); gt3.add(l3_1); gt3.add(l3_2); BusinessStrategy bs3_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Data Analyzing"); BusinessStrategy bs3_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Expert Evaluation"); BusinessStrategy bs3_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); p3.add(bs3_1); p3.add(bs3_2); p3.add(bs3_3); EvaluationStrategy s3_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Data Analyzing"); EvaluationStrategy s3_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Expert Evaluation"); EvaluationStrategy s3_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); = s3_1; = s3_2; = s3_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Data Analyzing"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Expert Evaluation"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); bs3_1.bpt = bpt3_1; bs3_2.bpt = bpt3_2; bs3_3.bpt = bpt3_3; ProcessElement AODPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Analyzing Data"); bpt3_1.add(AODPs3_1); AODPs3_1.realizingIntention = AOD; ProcessElement GEOPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Expert Opinion"); bpt3_2.add(GEOPs3_2); GEOPs3_2.realizingIntention = GEO; ProcessElement AODPs3_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyzing Data"); ProcessElement GEOPs3_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Expert Opinion"); bpt3_3.add(AODPs3_3); bpt3_3.add(GEOPs3_3); AODPs3_3.realizingIntention = AOD; GEOPs3_3.realizingIntention = GEO; /********************************* *****P4: Knowledge Generation**** ********************************/ Pattern p4 = new Pattern("Knowledge Generation"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g4 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Knowledge Generation"); p4.GT = g4; Intention MSD = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); Intention AOIA = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Inofrmation Database by Analysts"); Intention AOIE = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); Intention IDM = new Intention("Inform Decision Makers"); Intention DID = new Intention("Discuss the Issue by Decision Makers"); Intention DIDM = new Intention("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); MSD.leaf = false; MSD.mainGoal = true; AOIA.leaf = true; AOIA.mainGoal = false; AOIE.leaf = true; AOIE.mainGoal = false; IDM.leaf = true; IDM.mainGoal = false; DID.leaf = true; DID.mainGoal = false; DIDM.leaf = true; DIDM.mainGoal = false; g4.add(MSD); g4.add(AOIA); g4.add(AOIE); g4.add(IDM); g4.add(DID); g4.add(DIDM); ElementLink l4_1 = new ElementLink(AOIA,MSD,"AOIAtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_2 = new ElementLink(AOIE,MSD,"AOIEtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_3 = new ElementLink(IDM,MSD,"IDMtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_4 = new ElementLink(DID,MSD,"DIDtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_5 = new ElementLink(DIDM,MSD,"DIDMtoMSD"); g4.add(l4_1); g4.add(l4_2); g4.add(l4_3); g4.add(l4_4); g4.add(l4_5); BusinessStrategy bs4_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Data Based Decision Making"); BusinessStrategy bs4_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Expert Based Decision Making"); BusinessStrategy bs4_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Making"); p4.add(bs4_1); p4.add(bs4_2); p4.add(bs4_3); EvaluationStrategy s4_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Data Based Decision Making"); EvaluationStrategy s4_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Expert Based Decision Making"); EvaluationStrategy s4_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Making"); = s4_1; = s4_2; = s4_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Data Based Decision Making"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Expert Based Decision Making"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Comprehensive Decision Making"); bs4_1.bpt = bpt4_1; bs4_2.bpt = bpt4_2; bs4_3.bpt = bpt4_3; ProcessElement AOIEPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); ProcessElement IDMPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Inform Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDMPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); bpt4_1.add(AOIEPs4_1); bpt4_1.add(IDMPs4_1); bpt4_1.add(DIDMPs4_1); AOIEPs4_1.realizingIntention = AOIE; IDMPs4_1.realizingIntention = IDM; DIDMPs4_1.realizingIntention =DIDM; ProcessElement AOIEPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); ProcessElement IDMPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Inform Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Discuss the Issue by Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDMPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); bpt4_2.add(AOIEPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(IDMPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(DIDPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(DIDMPs4_2); AOIEPs4_2.realizingIntention = AOIE; IDMPs4_2.realizingIntention = IDM; DIDPs4_2.realizingIntention =DID; DIDMPs4_2.realizingIntention =DIDM; ProcessElement AOIAPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Inofrmation Database by Analysts"); ProcessElement AOIEPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); ProcessElement IDMPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Inform Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Discuss the Issue by Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDMPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); bpt4_3.add(AOIAPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(AOIEPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(IDMPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(DIDPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(DIDMPs4_3); AOIAPs4_3.realizingIntention = AOIA ; AOIEPs4_3.realizingIntention = AOIE; IDMPs4_3.realizingIntention = IDM; DIDPs4_3.realizingIntention =DID; DIDMPs4_3.realizingIntention =DIDM; /********************************* *****P5: Knowledge Application**** ********************************/ Pattern p5 = new Pattern("Knowledge Application"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g5 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Knowledge Application"); p5.GT = g5; Intention ADD = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); Intention SHD = new Intention("Share Decision"); Intention APD = new Intention("Apply Decision"); Intention CFD = new Intention("Collect Feedback about Decision"); Intention MDD = new Intention("Modify Decisions"); ADD.leaf = false; ADD.mainGoal = true; SHD.leaf = true; SHD.mainGoal = false; APD.leaf = true; APD.mainGoal = false; CFD.leaf = true; CFD.mainGoal = false; MDD.leaf = true; MDD.mainGoal = false; g5.add(ADD); g5.add(SHD); g5.add(APD); g5.add(CFD); g5.add(MDD); ElementLink l5_1 = new ElementLink(SHD,ADD,"SHDtoADD"); ElementLink l5_2 = new ElementLink(APD,ADD,"APDtoADD"); ElementLink l5_3 = new ElementLink(CFD,ADD,"CFDtoADD"); ElementLink l5_4 = new ElementLink(MDD,ADD,"MDDtoADD"); g5.add(l5_1); g5.add(l5_2); g5.add(l5_3); g5.add(l5_4); BusinessStrategy bs5_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Decision Adoption"); BusinessStrategy bs5_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Adoption"); p5.add(bs5_1); p5.add(bs5_2); EvaluationStrategy s5_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Decision Adoption"); EvaluationStrategy s5_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Adoption"); = s5_1; = s5_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt5_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Decision Adoption"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt5_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Comprehensive Decision Adoption"); bs5_1.bpt = bpt5_1; bs5_2.bpt = bpt5_2; ProcessElement SHDPs5_1 = new ProcessElement("Share Decision"); ProcessElement APDPs5_1 = new ProcessElement("Apply Decision"); bpt5_1.add(SHDPs5_1); bpt5_1.add(APDPs5_1); SHDPs5_1.realizingIntention = SHD ; APDPs5_1.realizingIntention = APD; ProcessElement SHDPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Share Decision"); ProcessElement APDPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Apply Decision"); ProcessElement CFDPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Collect Feedback about Decision"); ProcessElement MDDMPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Modify Decisions"); bpt5_2.add(SHDPs5_2); bpt5_2.add(APDPs5_2); bpt5_2.add(CFDPs5_2); bpt5_2.add(MDDMPs5_2); SHDPs5_2.realizingIntention = SHD ; APDPs5_2.realizingIntention = APD; CFDPs5_2.realizingIntention = CFD; MDDMPs5_2.realizingIntention = MDD; /********************************* *****P6: Action Taking**** ********************************/ Pattern p6 = new Pattern("Action Taking"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g6 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Action Taking"); p6.GT = g6; Intention T1 = new Intention("Take Action"); Intention Z = new Intention("Prioritize Outcomes"); Intention V = new Intention("Prevent Outcome"); T1.leaf = false; T1.mainGoal = true; Z.leaf = true; Z.mainGoal = false; V.leaf = true; V.mainGoal = false; g6.add(T1); g6.add(Z); g6.add(V); ElementLink l6_1 = new ElementLink(Z,T1,"ZtoT1"); ElementLink l6_2 = new ElementLink(V,T1,"VtoT1"); g6.add(l6_1); g6.add(l6_2); BusinessStrategy bs6_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessStrategy bs6_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); p6.add(bs6_1); p6.add(bs6_2); EvaluationStrategy s6_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); EvaluationStrategy s6_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); = s6_1; = s6_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt6_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt6_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Prioritized Prevention"); bs6_1.bpt = bpt6_1; bs6_2.bpt = bpt6_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement VPs6_1 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt6_1.add(VPs6_1); VPs6_1.realizingIntention = V; ProcessElement ZPs6_2 = new ProcessElement("Prioritize Outcomes"); ProcessElement VPs6_2 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt6_2.add(ZPs6_2); bpt6_2.add(VPs6_2); ZPs6_2.realizingIntention = Z; VPs6_2.realizingIntention = V; //create GPF PF pf = new PF("Healthcare Pattern Family"); // patternDef Configurations C.patternDef = p2; G.patternDef = p3; M.patternDef = p4; A.patternDef = p5; T.patternDef = p6; pf.insert(p6); pf.insert(p5); pf.insert(p4); pf.insert(p3); pf.insert(p2); pf.insert(p1); //create xml file for the obsolete pattern XStream xstream = new XStream(); XMLutility.serializePFtoXMLfile(pf, xstream, "C:\\PATH\\cmbEx1\\combinationEx1In1.xml"); //pfCombinationEx1 = pf; //return pf; } public static void combincationEx1In2CreateXML() { /********************************* ***P1: Increase Patient Safety*** ********************************/ Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt1 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Increase Patient Safety"); p1.add(gt1); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; Intention T = new Intention("Take Action"); T.leaf = true; T.mainGoal = false; gt1.add(I); gt1.add(C); gt1.add(G); gt1.add(M); gt1.add(A); gt1.add(T); ElementLink l1_1 = new ElementLink(C,I,"CtoI"); ElementLink l1_2 = new ElementLink(G,I,"GtoI"); ElementLink l1_3 = new ElementLink(M,I,"MtoI"); ElementLink l1_4 = new ElementLink(A,I,"AtoI"); ElementLink l1_5 = new ElementLink(T,I,"TtoI"); gt1.add(l1_1); gt1.add(l1_2); gt1.add(l1_3); gt1.add(l1_4); gt1.add(l1_5); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); p1.add(bs1_3); EvaluationStrategy s1_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced With Immediate Action"); = s1_1; = s1_2; = s1_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced With Immediate Action"); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; bs1_3.bpt = bpt1_3; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); bpt1_1.add(CPs1_1); bpt1_1.add(GPs1_1); CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); bpt1_2.add(CPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(GPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(MPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(APs1_2); CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; ProcessElement CPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); ProcessElement TPs1_3 = new ProcessElement("Taking Action"); CPs1_3.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_3.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_3.realizingIntention = M; APs1_3.realizingIntention = A; TPs1_3.realizingIntention = T; bpt1_3.add(CPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(GPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(MPs1_3); bpt1_3.add(APs1_3); bpt1_3.add(TPs1_3); /********************************* *****P2:Data Collection ********* ********************************/ Pattern p2 = new Pattern("Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt2 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Data Collection"); p2.add(gt2); Intention C2 = new Intention("Collect Data"); C2.leaf = false; C2.mainGoal = true; Intention O = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O.leaf = true; O.mainGoal = false; Intention P = new Intention("Collect Process Data"); P.leaf = true; P.mainGoal = false; gt2.add(C2); gt2.add(O); gt2.add(P); ElementLink l2_1 = new ElementLink(O,C2,"OtoC2"); ElementLink l2_2 = new ElementLink(P,C2,"PtoC2"); gt2.add(l2_1); gt2.add(l2_2); BusinessStrategy bs2_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Outcome"); BusinessStrategy bs2_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Process"); BusinessStrategy bs2_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Complete Collection"); p2.add(bs2_1); p2.add(bs2_2); p2.add(bs2_3); EvaluationStrategy s2_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Outcome"); EvaluationStrategy s2_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Process"); EvaluationStrategy s2_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Complete Collection"); = s2_1; = s2_2; = s2_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Outcome"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Process"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Complete Collection"); bs2_1.bpt = bpt2_1; bs2_2.bpt = bpt2_2; bs2_3.bpt = bpt2_3; ProcessElement OPs2_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); bpt2_1.add(OPs2_1); OPs2_1.realizingIntention = O; ProcessElement PPs2_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_2.add(PPs2_2); PPs2_2.realizingIntention = P; ProcessElement OPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); ProcessElement PPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_3.add(OPs2_3); bpt2_3.add(PPs2_3); OPs2_3.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_3.realizingIntention = P; /********************************* *****P3: Information Generation** ********************************/ Pattern p3 = new Pattern("Information Generation"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt3 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Information Generation"); p3.add(gt3); Intention G2 = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G2.leaf = false; G2.mainGoal = true; Intention AOD = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Data"); AOD.leaf = true; AOD.mainGoal = false; Intention GEO = new Intention("Generate Expert Opinion"); GEO.leaf = true; GEO.mainGoal = false; gt3.add(G2); gt3.add(AOD); gt3.add(GEO); ElementLink l3_1 = new ElementLink(AOD,G2,"AODtoG2"); ElementLink l3_2 = new ElementLink(GEO,G2,"GEOtoG2"); gt3.add(l3_1); gt3.add(l3_2); BusinessStrategy bs3_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Data Analyzing"); BusinessStrategy bs3_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Expert Evaluation"); BusinessStrategy bs3_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); p3.add(bs3_1); p3.add(bs3_2); p3.add(bs3_3); EvaluationStrategy s3_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Data Analyzing"); EvaluationStrategy s3_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Expert Evaluation"); EvaluationStrategy s3_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); = s3_1; = s3_2; = s3_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Data Analyzing"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Expert Evaluation"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); bs3_1.bpt = bpt3_1; bs3_2.bpt = bpt3_2; bs3_3.bpt = bpt3_3; ProcessElement AODPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Analyzing Data"); bpt3_1.add(AODPs3_1); AODPs3_1.realizingIntention = AOD; ProcessElement GEOPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Expert Opinion"); bpt3_2.add(GEOPs3_2); GEOPs3_2.realizingIntention = GEO; ProcessElement AODPs3_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyzing Data"); ProcessElement GEOPs3_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Expert Opinion"); bpt3_3.add(AODPs3_3); bpt3_3.add(GEOPs3_3); AODPs3_3.realizingIntention = AOD; GEOPs3_3.realizingIntention = GEO; /********************************* ****P7: Outcome Data Collection** ********************************/ Pattern p7 = new Pattern("Outcome Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g7 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Outcome Data Collection"); p7.add(g7); Intention O2 = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O2.leaf = false; O2.mainGoal = true; Intention L = new Intention("Look for Outcome Data"); L.leaf = true; L.mainGoal = false; Intention N = new Intention("Analyse Outcome Observation"); N.leaf = true; N.mainGoal = false; Intention R = new Intention("Record Outcome Data"); R.leaf = true; R.mainGoal = false; g7.add(O2); g7.add(L); g7.add(N); g7.add(R); ElementLink l7_1 = new ElementLink(L,O2,"LtoO2"); ElementLink l7_2 = new ElementLink(N,O2,"NtoO2"); ElementLink l7_3 = new ElementLink(R,O2,"RtoO2"); g7.add(l7_1); g7.add(l7_2); g7.add(l7_3); BusinessStrategy bs7_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Outcome Recoding"); BusinessStrategy bs7_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Preprocessed Outcome Recording"); p7.add(bs7_1); p7.add(bs7_2); EvaluationStrategy s7_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Outcome Recoding"); EvaluationStrategy s7_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Preprocessed Outcome Recording"); = s7_1; = s7_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt7_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Outcome Recoding"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt7_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Preprocessed Outcome Recording"); bs7_1.bpt = bpt7_1; bs7_2.bpt = bpt7_2; ProcessElement LPs7_1 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Outcome Data"); ProcessElement RPs7_1 = new ProcessElement("Recording Outcome Data"); bpt7_1.add(LPs7_1); bpt7_1.add(RPs7_1); LPs7_1.realizingIntention = L; RPs7_1.realizingIntention = R; ProcessElement LPs7_2 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Outcome Data"); ProcessElement NPs7_2 = new ProcessElement("Analysing Outcome Observation"); ProcessElement RPs7_2 = new ProcessElement("Recording Outcome Data"); bpt7_2.add(LPs7_2); bpt7_2.add(NPs7_2); bpt7_2.add(RPs7_2); LPs7_2.realizingIntention = L; NPs7_2.realizingIntention = N; RPs7_2.realizingIntention = R; /********************************* ***P8: Process Data Collection*** ********************************/ Pattern p8 = new Pattern("Process Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g8 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Process Data Collection"); p8.add(g8); Intention P2 = new Intention("Collect Process Data"); P2.leaf = false; P2.mainGoal = true; Intention L2 = new Intention("Look for Process Data"); L2.leaf = true; L2.mainGoal = false; Intention N2 = new Intention("Analyse Process Observation"); N2.leaf = true; N2.mainGoal = false; Intention R2 = new Intention("Record Process Data"); R2.leaf = true; R2.mainGoal = false; g8.add(P2); g8.add(L2); g8.add(N2); g8.add(R2); ElementLink l8_1 = new ElementLink(L2,P2,"L2toP2"); ElementLink l8_2 = new ElementLink(N2,P2,"N2toP2"); ElementLink l8_3 = new ElementLink(R,P2,"R2toP2"); g8.add(l8_1); g8.add(l8_2); g8.add(l8_3); BusinessStrategy bs8_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Process Recoding"); BusinessStrategy bs8_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Preprocessed Process Recording"); p8.add(bs8_1); p8.add(bs8_2); EvaluationStrategy s8_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Process Recoding"); EvaluationStrategy s8_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Preprocessed Process Recording"); = s8_1; = s8_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt8_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Process Recoding"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt8_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Preprocessed Process Recording"); bs8_1.bpt = bpt8_1; bs8_2.bpt = bpt8_2; ProcessElement L2Ps8_1 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Process Data"); ProcessElement R2Ps8_1 = new ProcessElement("Recording Process Data"); bpt8_1.add(L2Ps8_1); bpt8_1.add(R2Ps8_1); L2Ps8_1.realizingIntention = L2; R2Ps8_1.realizingIntention = R2; ProcessElement L2Ps8_2 = new ProcessElement("Looking for Process Data"); ProcessElement N2Ps8_2 = new ProcessElement("Analysing Process Observation"); ProcessElement R2Ps8_2 = new ProcessElement("Recording Process Data"); bpt8_2.add(L2Ps8_2); bpt8_2.add(N2Ps8_2); bpt8_2.add(R2Ps8_2); L2Ps8_2.realizingIntention = L2; N2Ps8_2.realizingIntention = N2; R2Ps8_2.realizingIntention = R2; //create GPF PF pf = new PF("Healthcare Pattern Family"); // patternDef Configurations C.patternDef = p2; G.patternDef = p3; O.patternDef = p7; P.patternDef = p8; pf.insert(p8); pf.insert(p7); pf.insert(p3); pf.insert(p2); pf.insert(p1); //create xml file for the obsolete pattern XStream xstream = new XStream(); XMLutility.serializePFtoXMLfile(pf, xstream, "C:\\PATH\\cmbEx1\\combinationEx1In2.xml"); } //TODO: the following method is not need any more. delete it. public static void combincationEx1In22CreateXML() { /********************************* ***P1: Increase Patient Safety*** ********************************/ Pattern p1 = new Pattern("Increase Patient Safety"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt1 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Increase Patient Safety"); p1.add(gt1); Intention I = new Intention("Increase Patient Safety"); I.leaf= false; I.mainGoal = true; Intention C = new Intention("Collect Data"); C.leaf = true; C.mainGoal = false; Intention G = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G.leaf = true; G.mainGoal = false; Intention M = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); M.leaf = true; M.mainGoal = false; Intention A = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); A.leaf = true; A.mainGoal = false; gt1.add(I); gt1.add(C); gt1.add(G); gt1.add(M); gt1.add(A); ElementLink l1_1 = new ElementLink(C,I,"CtoI"); ElementLink l1_2 = new ElementLink(G,I,"GtoI"); ElementLink l1_3 = new ElementLink(M,I,"MtoI"); ElementLink l1_4 = new ElementLink(A,I,"AtoI"); gt1.add(l1_1); gt1.add(l1_2); gt1.add(l1_3); gt1.add(l1_4); BusinessStrategy bs1_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Improvement"); BusinessStrategy bs1_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); p1.add(bs1_1); p1.add(bs1_2); EvaluationStrategy s1_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Improvement"); EvaluationStrategy s1_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Advanced Improvement"); = s1_1; = s1_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Improvement"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt1_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Advanced Improvement"); bs1_1.bpt = bpt1_1; bs1_2.bpt = bpt1_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement CPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_1 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); bpt1_1.add(CPs1_1); bpt1_1.add(GPs1_1); ProcessElement CPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Data"); ProcessElement GPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Informative Outcome Information"); ProcessElement MPs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Making Decision"); ProcessElement APs1_2 = new ProcessElement("Applying Knowledge"); bpt1_2.add(CPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(GPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(MPs1_2); bpt1_2.add(APs1_2); // Intention Realization CPs1_1.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_1.realizingIntention = G; CPs1_2.realizingIntention = C; GPs1_2.realizingIntention = G; MPs1_2.realizingIntention = M; APs1_2.realizingIntention = A; /********************************* *****P2:Data Collection ********* ********************************/ Pattern p2 = new Pattern("Data Collection"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt2 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Data Collection"); p2.add(gt2); Intention C2 = new Intention("Collect Data"); C2.leaf = false; C2.mainGoal = true; Intention O = new Intention("Collect Outcome Data"); O.leaf = true; O.mainGoal = false; Intention P = new Intention("Collect Process Data"); P.leaf = true; P.mainGoal = false; gt2.add(C2); gt2.add(O); gt2.add(P); ElementLink l2_1 = new ElementLink(O,C2,"OtoC2"); ElementLink l2_2 = new ElementLink(P,C2,"PtoC2"); gt2.add(l2_1); gt2.add(l2_2); BusinessStrategy bs2_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Outcome"); BusinessStrategy bs2_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Process"); BusinessStrategy bs2_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Complete Collection"); p2.add(bs2_1); p2.add(bs2_2); p2.add(bs2_3); EvaluationStrategy s2_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Outcome"); EvaluationStrategy s2_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Process"); EvaluationStrategy s2_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Complete Collection"); = s2_1; = s2_2; = s2_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Outcome"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Process"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt2_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Complete Collection"); bs2_1.bpt = bpt2_1; bs2_2.bpt = bpt2_2; bs2_3.bpt = bpt2_3; ProcessElement OPs2_1 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); bpt2_1.add(OPs2_1); ProcessElement PPs2_2 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_2.add(PPs2_2); ProcessElement OPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Outcome Data"); ProcessElement PPs2_3 = new ProcessElement("Collecting Process Data"); bpt2_3.add(OPs2_3); bpt2_3.add(PPs2_3); OPs2_1.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_2.realizingIntention = P; OPs2_3.realizingIntention = O; PPs2_3.realizingIntention = P; /********************************* *****P3: Information Generation** ********************************/ Pattern p3 = new Pattern("Information Generation"); GoalModelBuildingBlock gt3 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Information Generation"); p3.add(gt3); Intention G2 = new Intention("Generate Informative Outcome Information"); G2.leaf = false; G2.mainGoal = true; Intention AOD = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Data"); AOD.leaf = true; AOD.mainGoal = false; Intention GEO = new Intention("Generate Expert Opinion"); GEO.leaf = true; GEO.mainGoal = false; gt3.add(G2); gt3.add(AOD); gt3.add(GEO); ElementLink l3_1 = new ElementLink(AOD,G2,"AODtoG2"); ElementLink l3_2 = new ElementLink(GEO,G2,"GEOtoG2"); gt3.add(l3_1); gt3.add(l3_2); BusinessStrategy bs3_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Data Analyzing"); BusinessStrategy bs3_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Expert Evaluation"); BusinessStrategy bs3_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); p3.add(bs3_1); p3.add(bs3_2); p3.add(bs3_3); EvaluationStrategy s3_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Data Analyzing"); EvaluationStrategy s3_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Expert Evaluation"); EvaluationStrategy s3_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); = s3_1; = s3_2; = s3_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Data Analyzing"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Expert Evaluation"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt3_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Analysis Based Expert Evaluation"); bs3_1.bpt = bpt3_1; bs3_2.bpt = bpt3_2; bs3_3.bpt = bpt3_3; ProcessElement AODPs3_1 = new ProcessElement("Analyzing Data"); bpt3_1.add(AODPs3_1); ProcessElement GEOPs3_2 = new ProcessElement("Generating Expert Opinion"); bpt3_2.add(GEOPs3_2); ProcessElement AODPs3_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyzing Data"); ProcessElement GEOPs3_3 = new ProcessElement("Generating Expert Opinion"); bpt3_3.add(AODPs3_3); bpt3_3.add(GEOPs3_3); AODPs3_1.realizingIntention = AOD; GEOPs3_2.realizingIntention = GEO; AODPs3_3.realizingIntention = AOD; GEOPs3_3.realizingIntention = GEO; /********************************* *****P4: Knowledge Generation**** ********************************/ Pattern p4 = new Pattern("Knowledge Generation"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g4 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Knowledge Generation"); Intention MSD = new Intention("Make Safety Decision"); Intention AOIA = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Inofrmation Database by Analysts"); Intention AOIE = new Intention("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); Intention IDM = new Intention("Inform Decision Makers"); Intention DID = new Intention("Discuss the Issue by Decision Makers"); Intention DIDM = new Intention("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); MSD.leaf = false; MSD.mainGoal = true; AOIA.leaf = true; AOIA.mainGoal = false; AOIE.leaf = true; AOIE.mainGoal = false; IDM.leaf = true; IDM.mainGoal = false; DID.leaf = true; DID.mainGoal = false; DIDM.leaf = true; DIDM.mainGoal = false; g4.add(MSD); g4.add(AOIA); g4.add(AOIE); g4.add(IDM); g4.add(DID); g4.add(DIDM); ElementLink l4_1 = new ElementLink(AOIA,MSD,"AOIAtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_2 = new ElementLink(AOIE,MSD,"AOIEtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_3 = new ElementLink(IDM,MSD,"IDMtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_4 = new ElementLink(DID,MSD,"DIDtoMSD"); ElementLink l4_5 = new ElementLink(DIDM,MSD,"DIDMtoMSD"); g4.add(l4_1); g4.add(l4_2); g4.add(l4_3); g4.add(l4_4); g4.add(l4_5); p4.GT = g4; BusinessStrategy bs4_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Data Based Decision Making"); BusinessStrategy bs4_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Expert Based Decision Making"); BusinessStrategy bs4_3 = new BusinessStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Making"); p4.add(bs4_1); p4.add(bs4_2); p4.add(bs4_3); EvaluationStrategy s4_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Data Based Decision Making"); EvaluationStrategy s4_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Expert Based Decision Making"); EvaluationStrategy s4_3 = new EvaluationStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Making"); = s4_1; = s4_2; = s4_3; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Data Based Decision Making"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Expert Based Decision Making"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt4_3 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Comprehensive Decision Making"); bs4_1.bpt = bpt4_1; bs4_2.bpt = bpt4_2; bs4_3.bpt = bpt4_3; ProcessElement AOIEPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); ProcessElement IDMPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Inform Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDMPs4_1 = new ProcessElement("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); bpt4_1.add(AOIEPs4_1); bpt4_1.add(IDMPs4_1); bpt4_1.add(DIDMPs4_1); AOIEPs4_1.realizingIntention = AOIE; IDMPs4_1.realizingIntention = IDM; DIDMPs4_1.realizingIntention =DIDM; ProcessElement AOIEPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); ProcessElement IDMPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Inform Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Discuss the Issue by Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDMPs4_2 = new ProcessElement("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); bpt4_2.add(AOIEPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(IDMPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(DIDPs4_2); bpt4_2.add(DIDMPs4_2); AOIEPs4_2.realizingIntention = AOIE; IDMPs4_2.realizingIntention = IDM; DIDPs4_2.realizingIntention =DID; DIDMPs4_2.realizingIntention =DIDM; ProcessElement AOIAPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Inofrmation Database by Analysts"); ProcessElement AOIEPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Analyze Outcome Information by Healthcare Experts"); ProcessElement IDMPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Inform Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Discuss the Issue by Decision Makers"); ProcessElement DIDMPs4_3 = new ProcessElement("Decide about Issues by Decision Makers"); bpt4_3.add(AOIAPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(AOIEPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(IDMPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(DIDPs4_3); bpt4_3.add(DIDMPs4_3); AOIAPs4_3.realizingIntention = AOIA ; AOIEPs4_3.realizingIntention = AOIE; IDMPs4_3.realizingIntention = IDM; DIDPs4_3.realizingIntention =DID; DIDMPs4_3.realizingIntention =DIDM; /********************************* *****P5: Knowledge Application**** ********************************/ Pattern p5 = new Pattern("Knowledge Application"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g5 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Knowledge Application"); Intention ADD = new Intention("Adopt Decision"); Intention SHD = new Intention("Share Decision"); Intention APD = new Intention("Apply Decision"); Intention CFD = new Intention("Collect Feedback about Decision"); Intention MDD = new Intention("Modify Decisions"); ADD.leaf = false; ADD.mainGoal = true; SHD.leaf = true; SHD.mainGoal = false; APD.leaf = true; APD.mainGoal = false; CFD.leaf = true; CFD.mainGoal = false; MDD.leaf = true; MDD.mainGoal = false; g5.add(ADD); g5.add(SHD); g5.add(APD); g5.add(CFD); g5.add(MDD); ElementLink l5_1 = new ElementLink(SHD,ADD,"SHDtoADD"); ElementLink l5_2 = new ElementLink(APD,ADD,"APDtoADD"); ElementLink l5_3 = new ElementLink(CFD,ADD,"CFDtoADD"); ElementLink l5_4 = new ElementLink(MDD,ADD,"MDDtoADD"); g5.add(l5_1); g5.add(l5_2); g5.add(l5_3); g5.add(l5_4); p5.GT = g5; BusinessStrategy bs5_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Basic Decision Adoption"); BusinessStrategy bs5_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Adoption"); p5.add(bs5_1); p5.add(bs5_2); EvaluationStrategy s5_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Basic Decision Adoption"); EvaluationStrategy s5_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Comprehensive Decision Adoption"); = s5_1; = s5_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt5_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Basic Decision Adoption"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt5_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Comprehensive Decision Adoption"); bs5_1.bpt = bpt5_1; bs5_2.bpt = bpt5_2; ProcessElement SHDPs5_1 = new ProcessElement("Share Decision"); ProcessElement APDPs5_1 = new ProcessElement("Apply Decision"); bpt5_1.add(SHDPs5_1); bpt5_1.add(APDPs5_1); SHDPs5_1.realizingIntention = SHD ; APDPs5_1.realizingIntention = APD; ProcessElement SHDPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Share Decision"); ProcessElement APDPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Apply Decision"); ProcessElement CFDPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Collect Feedback about Decision"); ProcessElement MDDMPs5_2 = new ProcessElement("Modify Decisions"); bpt5_2.add(SHDPs5_2); bpt5_2.add(APDPs5_2); bpt5_2.add(CFDPs5_2); bpt5_2.add(MDDMPs5_2); SHDPs5_2.realizingIntention = SHD ; APDPs5_2.realizingIntention = APD; CFDPs5_2.realizingIntention = CFD; MDDMPs5_2.realizingIntention = MDD; /********************************* *****P6: Action Taking**** ********************************/ Pattern p6 = new Pattern("Action Taking"); GoalModelBuildingBlock g6 = new GoalModelBuildingBlock("Action Taking"); Intention T = new Intention("Take Action"); Intention Z = new Intention("Prioritize Outcomes"); Intention V = new Intention("Prevent Outcome"); T.leaf = false; T.mainGoal = true; Z.leaf = true; Z.mainGoal = false; V.leaf = true; V.mainGoal = false; g6.add(T); g6.add(Z); g6.add(V); ElementLink l6_1 = new ElementLink(Z,T,"ZtoT"); ElementLink l6_2 = new ElementLink(V,T,"VtoT"); g6.add(l6_1); g6.add(l6_2); p6.GT = g6; BusinessStrategy bs6_1 = new BusinessStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessStrategy bs6_2 = new BusinessStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); p6.add(bs6_1); p6.add(bs6_2); EvaluationStrategy s6_1 = new EvaluationStrategy("Immediate Prevention"); EvaluationStrategy s6_2 = new EvaluationStrategy("Prioritized Prevention"); = s6_1; = s6_2; BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt6_1 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Immediate Prevention"); BusinessProcessBuildingBlock bpt6_2 = new BusinessProcessBuildingBlock("Prioritized Prevention"); bs6_1.bpt = bpt6_1; bs6_2.bpt = bpt6_2; // elements of BPT (UCM maps) are created and assigned to BusinessProcessTemplates ProcessElement VPs6_1 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt6_1.add(VPs6_1); VPs6_1.realizingIntention = V; ProcessElement ZPs6_2 = new ProcessElement("Prioritize Outcomes"); ProcessElement VPs6_2 = new ProcessElement("Prevent Outcome"); bpt6_2.add(ZPs6_2); bpt6_2.add(VPs6_2); ZPs6_2.realizingIntention = Z; VPs6_2.realizingIntention = V; //create GPF PF pf = new PF("Healthcare Pattern Family"); // patternDef Configurations C.patternDef = p2; G.patternDef = p3; M.patternDef = p4; A.patternDef = p5; T.patternDef = p6; pf.insert(p6); pf.insert(p5); pf.insert(p4); pf.insert(p3); pf.insert(p2); pf.insert(p1); //pfCombinationEx1 = pf; //return pf; } }